| `modules` | `[[String...]...]` | `[]` | A 2D String array of what each module should be on which page. Note that all entries must take their class name (e.g. this module's class name is `MMM-pages`, while the default modules may just have `newsfeed`, without the `MMM-` prefix. |
| `fixed` | `[String...]` | `["MMM-page-indicator"]` | Which modules should show up all the time. |
| `hiddenPages` | `{String: [String...]...}` | `{}` | An Object defining special `hiddenPages` which are not available on the normal page rotation and only accassible via a notification. Modules defined in `fixed` are ignored and need to be also added if you wish to have them on any hidden page. |
| `animationTime` | `int` | `1000` | Fading animation time. Set to `0` for instant change. Value is in milliseconds (1 second = 1000 milliseconds). |
| `rotationTime` | `int` | `0` | Time, in milliseconds, between automatic page changes. |
| `rotationDelay` | `int` | `10000` | Time, in milliseconds, of how long should a manual page change linger before returning to automatic page changing. In other words, how long should the timer wait for after you manually change a page. This does include the animation time, so you may wish to increase it by a few seconds or so to account for the animation time. |
| `rotationHomePage` | `int` | `0` | Time, in milliseconds, before automatically returning to the home page. If a home page is not set, this returns to the leftmost page instead. |
| `PAGE_INCREMENT` | `int`, Optional | MMM-pages will increment the page, or by `n` times if a number is provided. Not providing a number is equivalent to sending a payload of `1`. If there are no more pages to increment by, this will loop around to the first page. |
| `PAGE_DECREMENT` | `int`, Optional | MMM-pages will decrement the page, or by `n` times if a number is provided. Not providing a number is equivalent to sending a payload of `1`. If there are no more pages to decrement by, this will loop around to the last page. |
| `QUERY_PAGE_NUMBER` | *None* | MMM-pages will respond with `PAGE_NUMBER_IS` with the current page index. |
| `PAUSE_ROTATION` | *None* | If MMM-pages is set to rotate, this will pause rotation until a `RESUME_ROTATION` notification is sent. This does nothing if rotation was already paused. |
| `RESUME_ROTATION` | *None* | If MMM-pages was requested to pause rotation, this will resume automatic rotation. This does nothing MMM-pages was not requested to pause. |
| `HOME_PAGE` | *None* | Return to the home page. If no home page is provided, return to the first page instead. |
| `MAX_PAGES_CHANGED` | `int` | This is sent only once during initialization of MMM-pages. This contains the number of pages defined in `config.js`. |
| `NEW_PAGE` | `int` | This notification is sent out on every page change and contains the current page index. This is to help other modules keep track of what the current page is. |
| `PAGE_NUMBER_IS` | `int` | Sent in response to a `QUERY_PAGE_NUMBER` notification. Returns the current page index. This notification sends the same payload as `NEW_PAGE`. |