| `modules` | `[[String...]...]` | `[]` | A 2D String array of what each module should be on which page. Note that all entries must take their class name (e.g. this module's class name is `MMM-pages`, while the default modules may just have `newsfeed`, without the `MMM-` prefix. |
| `fixed` | `[String...]` | `["MMM-page-indicator"]` | Which modules should show up all the time. |
| `hiddenPages` | `{String: [String...]...}` | `{}` | An Object defining special `hiddenPages` which are not available on the normal page rotation and only accassible via a notification. Modules defined in `fixed` are ignored and need to be also added if you wish to have them on any hidden page. |
| `animationTime` | `int` | `1000` | Fading animation time. Set to `0` for instant change. Value is in milliseconds (1 second = 1000 milliseconds). |
| `rotationTime` | `int` | `0` | Time, in milliseconds, between automatic page changes. |
| `rotationDelay` | `int` | `10000` | Time, in milliseconds, of how long should a manual page change linger before returning to automatic page changing. In other words, how long should the timer wait for after you manually change a page. This does include the animation time, so you may wish to increase it by a few seconds or so to account for the animation time. |
| `rotationHomePage` | `int` | `0` | Time, in milliseconds, before automatically returning to the home page. If a home page is not set, this returns to the leftmost page instead. |
| `useLockString` | `bool` | `true` | Whether or not to use a lock string to show or hide pages. If disabled, other modules may override when modules may be shown. *Advanced users only. Only override this if you know what you're doing.* |
| `PAGE_INCREMENT` | `int`, Optional | MMM-pages will increment the page, or by `n` times if a number is provided. Not providing a number is equivalent to sending a payload of `1`. If there are no more pages to increment by, this will loop around to the first page. |
| `PAGE_DECREMENT` | `int`, Optional | MMM-pages will decrement the page, or by `n` times if a number is provided. Not providing a number is equivalent to sending a payload of `1`. If there are no more pages to decrement by, this will loop around to the last page. |
| `QUERY_PAGE_NUMBER` | *None* | MMM-pages will respond with `PAGE_NUMBER_IS` with the current page index. |
| `PAUSE_ROTATION` | *None* | If MMM-pages is set to rotate, this will pause rotation until a `RESUME_ROTATION` notification is sent. This does nothing if rotation was already paused. |
| `RESUME_ROTATION` | *None* | If MMM-pages was requested to pause rotation, this will resume automatic rotation. This does nothing MMM-pages was not requested to pause. |
| `HOME_PAGE` | *None* | Return to the home page. If no home page is provided, return to the first page instead. |
| `SHOW_HIDDEN_PAGE` | `String` | MMM-pages will switch to the provided hidden page name. |
| `LEAVE_HIDDEN_PAGE` | *None* | MMM-pages will leave the currently showing hidden page and return to the previous showing page index. |
| `NEW_PAGE` | `int` | This notification is sent out on every page change and contains the current page index. This is to help other modules keep track of what the current page is. This is also sent out during initialization. |
| `PAGE_NUMBER_IS` | `int` | Sent in response to a `QUERY_PAGE_NUMBER` notification. Returns the current page index. This notification sends the same payload as `NEW_PAGE`. |