use crate::config::{Route as ConfigRoute, RouteType}; use crate::{template_args, BunBunError, Route, State}; use actix_web::web::{Data, Query}; use actix_web::{get, http::header}; use actix_web::{HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Responder}; use handlebars::Handlebars; use log::{debug, error}; use percent_encoding::{utf8_percent_encode, AsciiSet, CONTROLS}; use serde::Deserialize; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::process::Command; use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock}; /// const FRAGMENT_ENCODE_SET: &AsciiSet = &CONTROLS .add(b' ') .add(b'"') .add(b'<') .add(b'>') .add(b'`') .add(b'+') .add(b'&') // Interpreted as a GET query .add(b'#'); // Interpreted as a hyperlink section target type StateData = Data>>; #[get("/")] pub async fn index(data: StateData, req: HttpRequest) -> impl Responder { let data =; HttpResponse::Ok() .set_header(header::CONTENT_TYPE, "text/html; charset=utf-8") .body( req .app_data::() .unwrap() .render( "index", &template_args::hostname(data.public_address.clone()), ) .unwrap(), ) } #[get("/bunbunsearch.xml")] pub async fn opensearch(data: StateData, req: HttpRequest) -> impl Responder { let data =; HttpResponse::Ok() .header( header::CONTENT_TYPE, "application/opensearchdescription+xml", ) .body( req .app_data::() .unwrap() .render( "opensearch", &template_args::hostname(data.public_address.clone()), ) .unwrap(), ) } #[get("/ls")] pub async fn list(data: StateData, req: HttpRequest) -> impl Responder { let data =; HttpResponse::Ok() .set_header(header::CONTENT_TYPE, "text/html; charset=utf-8") .body( req .app_data::() .unwrap() .render("list", &data.groups) .unwrap(), ) } #[derive(Deserialize)] pub struct SearchQuery { to: String, } #[get("/hop")] pub async fn hop( data: StateData, req: HttpRequest, query: Query, ) -> impl Responder { let data =; match resolve_hop(&, &data.routes, &data.default_route) { RouteResolution::Resolved { route: path, args } => { let resolved_template = match path { ConfigRoute { route_type: RouteType::Internal, path, .. } => resolve_path(PathBuf::from(path), &args), ConfigRoute { route_type: RouteType::External, path, .. } => Ok(HopAction::Redirect(path.clone())), }; match resolved_template { Ok(HopAction::Redirect(path)) => HttpResponse::Found() .header( header::LOCATION, req .app_data::() .unwrap() .render_template( std::str::from_utf8(path.as_bytes()).unwrap(), &template_args::query( utf8_percent_encode(&args, FRAGMENT_ENCODE_SET).to_string(), ), ) .unwrap(), ) .finish(), Ok(HopAction::Body(body)) => HttpResponse::Ok().body(body), Err(e) => { error!("Failed to redirect user for {}: {}", path, e); HttpResponse::InternalServerError().body("Something went wrong :(\n") } } } RouteResolution::Unresolved => HttpResponse::NotFound().body("not found"), } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] enum RouteResolution<'a> { Resolved { route: &'a Route, args: String }, Unresolved, } /// Attempts to resolve the provided string into its route and its arguments. /// If a default route was provided, then this will consider that route before /// failing to resolve a route. /// /// The first element in the tuple describes the route, while the second element /// returns the remaining arguments. If none remain, an empty string is given. fn resolve_hop<'a>( query: &str, routes: &'a HashMap, default_route: &Option, ) -> RouteResolution<'a> { let mut split_args = query.split_ascii_whitespace().peekable(); let maybe_route = { match split_args.peek() { Some(command) => routes.get(*command), None => { debug!("Found empty query, returning no route."); return RouteResolution::Unresolved; } } }; let args = split_args.collect::>(); let arg_count = args.len(); // Try resolving with a matched command if let Some(route) = maybe_route { let args = if args.is_empty() { &[] } else { &args[1..] }.join(" "); let arg_count = arg_count - 1; if check_route(route, arg_count) { debug!("Resolved {} with args {}", route, args); return RouteResolution::Resolved { route, args }; } } // Try resolving with the default route, if it exists if let Some(route) = default_route { if let Some(route) = routes.get(route) { if check_route(route, arg_count) { let args = args.join(" "); debug!("Using default route {} with args {}", route, args); return RouteResolution::Resolved { route, args }; } } } RouteResolution::Unresolved } /// Checks if the user provided string has the correct properties required by /// the route to be successfully matched. fn check_route(route: &Route, arg_count: usize) -> bool { if let Some(min_args) = route.min_args { if arg_count < min_args { return false; } } if let Some(max_args) = route.max_args { if arg_count > max_args { return false; } } true } #[derive(Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] #[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")] enum HopAction { Redirect(String), Body(String), } /// Runs the executable with the user's input as a single argument. Returns Ok /// so long as the executable was successfully executed. Returns an Error if the /// file doesn't exist or bunbun did not have permission to read and execute the /// file. fn resolve_path(path: PathBuf, args: &str) -> Result { let output = Command::new(path.canonicalize()?) .args(args.split(" ")) .output()?; if output.status.success() { Ok(serde_json::from_slice(&output.stdout[..])?) } else { error!( "Program exit code for {} was not 0! Dumping standard error!", path.display(), ); let error = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr); Err(BunBunError::CustomProgram(error.to_string())) } } #[cfg(test)] mod resolve_hop { use super::*; use std::str::FromStr; fn generate_route_result<'a>( keyword: &'a Route, args: &str, ) -> RouteResolution<'a> { RouteResolution::Resolved { route: keyword, args: String::from(args), } } #[test] fn empty_routes_no_default_yields_failed_hop() { assert_eq!( resolve_hop("hello world", &HashMap::new(), &None), RouteResolution::Unresolved ); } #[test] fn empty_routes_some_default_yields_failed_hop() { assert_eq!( resolve_hop( "hello world", &HashMap::new(), &Some(String::from("google")) ), RouteResolution::Unresolved ); } #[test] fn only_default_routes_some_default_yields_default_hop() { let mut map: HashMap = HashMap::new(); map.insert( "google".into(), Route::from_str("").unwrap(), ); assert_eq!( resolve_hop("hello world", &map, &Some(String::from("google"))), generate_route_result( &Route::from_str("").unwrap(), "hello world" ), ); } #[test] fn non_default_routes_some_default_yields_non_default_hop() { let mut map: HashMap = HashMap::new(); map.insert( "google".into(), Route::from_str("").unwrap(), ); assert_eq!( resolve_hop("google hello world", &map, &Some(String::from("a"))), generate_route_result( &Route::from_str("").unwrap(), "hello world" ), ); } #[test] fn non_default_routes_no_default_yields_non_default_hop() { let mut map: HashMap = HashMap::new(); map.insert( "google".into(), Route::from_str("").unwrap(), ); assert_eq!( resolve_hop("google hello world", &map, &None), generate_route_result( &Route::from_str("").unwrap(), "hello world" ), ); } } #[cfg(test)] mod check_route { use super::*; fn create_route( min_args: impl Into>, max_args: impl Into>, ) -> Route { Route { description: None, hidden: false, max_args: max_args.into(), min_args: min_args.into(), path: String::new(), route_type: RouteType::External, } } #[test] fn no_min_arg_no_max_arg_counts() { assert!(check_route(&create_route(None, None), 0)); assert!(check_route(&create_route(None, None), usize::MAX)); } #[test] fn min_arg_no_max_arg_counts() { assert!(!check_route(&create_route(3, None), 0)); assert!(!check_route(&create_route(3, None), 2)); assert!(check_route(&create_route(3, None), 3)); assert!(check_route(&create_route(3, None), 4)); assert!(check_route(&create_route(3, None), usize::MAX)); } #[test] fn no_min_arg_max_arg_counts() { assert!(check_route(&create_route(None, 3), 0)); assert!(check_route(&create_route(None, 3), 2)); assert!(check_route(&create_route(None, 3), 3)); assert!(!check_route(&create_route(None, 3), 4)); assert!(!check_route(&create_route(None, 3), usize::MAX)); } #[test] fn min_arg_max_arg_counts() { assert!(!check_route(&create_route(2, 3), 1)); assert!(check_route(&create_route(2, 3), 2)); assert!(check_route(&create_route(2, 3), 3)); assert!(!check_route(&create_route(2, 3), 4)); } } #[cfg(test)] mod resolve_path { use super::{resolve_path, HopAction}; use std::env::current_dir; use std::path::PathBuf; #[test] fn invalid_path_returns_err() { assert!(resolve_path(PathBuf::from("/bin/aaaa"), "aaaa").is_err()); } #[test] fn valid_path_returns_ok() { assert!( resolve_path(PathBuf::from("/bin/echo"), r#"{"body": "a"}"#).is_ok() ); } #[test] fn relative_path_returns_ok() { // How many ".." needed to get to / let nest_level = current_dir().unwrap().ancestors().count() - 1; let mut rel_path = PathBuf::from("../".repeat(nest_level)); rel_path.push("./bin/echo"); assert!(resolve_path(rel_path, r#"{"body": "a"}"#).is_ok()); } #[test] fn no_permissions_returns_err() { assert!( // Trying to run a command without permission format!( "{}", resolve_path(PathBuf::from("/root/some_exec"), "").unwrap_err() ) .contains("Permission denied") ); } #[test] fn non_success_exit_code_yields_err() { // cat-ing a folder always returns exit code 1 assert!(resolve_path(PathBuf::from("/bin/cat"), "/").is_err()); } #[test] fn return_body() { assert_eq!( resolve_path(PathBuf::from("/bin/echo"), r#"{"body": "a"}"#).unwrap(), HopAction::Body("a".to_string()) ); } #[test] fn return_redirect() { assert_eq!( resolve_path(PathBuf::from("/bin/echo"), r#"{"redirect": "a"}"#).unwrap(), HopAction::Redirect("a".to_string()) ); } }