added RTT warning

This commit is contained in:
Edward Shen 2019-05-02 20:30:02 -04:00
parent 39d932c949
commit ddab660945
Signed by: edward
GPG key ID: F350507060ED6C90

View file

@ -51,59 +51,58 @@ fn get_result(
) -> EndpointStatus {
let (label, path, port, code, body) = get_endpoint_info(endpoint.clone());
let url = get_url(&website_conf.base, &path, port).expect("reading config");
let ping_start = Utc::now();
let ping_result = client.get(&url).send();
let duration = Utc::now() - ping_start;
let duration = if duration.num_seconds() > 0 {
format!("{}s", duration.num_milliseconds() as f64 / 1000.)
let rtt = Utc::now() - ping_start;
let rtt_string = if rtt.num_seconds() > 0 {
format!("{}s", rtt.num_milliseconds() as f64 / 1000.)
} else {
format!("{}ms", duration.num_milliseconds())
format!("{}ms", rtt.num_milliseconds())
match ping_result {
Ok(mut res) => {
let res_body = res.text().expect("could not get body of request");
let mut error = None;
if res.status() != code {
error = Some(format!(
error = append_err_msg(
"Status code mismatch: {} != {}.",
if let Some(expected_hash) = &endpoint.body_hash {
let expected = from_hex(expected_hash).unwrap();
let actual = digest(&SHA256, String::from(res_body).as_bytes());
if &expected != &actual.as_ref() {
error = Some(if let Some(msg) = error {
format!("{} Body hash mismatch.", msg)
} else {
String::from("Body hash mismatch.")
error = append_err_msg(error, String::from("Body hash mismatch."));
} else if !body.is_empty() && res_body != body {
error = Some(if let Some(msg) = error {
"{} Body mismatch: {} != {}.",
} else {
format!("Body mismatch: {} != {}.", res_body.len(), body.len())
error = append_err_msg(
format!("Body mismatch: {} != {}.", res_body.len(), body.len()),
if rtt.num_seconds() >= 2 {
error = append_err_msg(error, format!("RTT too long: {}", rtt_string));
if error.is_some() {
EndpointStatus::warn(url, label, duration, error)
EndpointStatus::warn(url, label, rtt_string, error)
} else {
EndpointStatus::ok(url, label, duration)
EndpointStatus::ok(url, label, rtt_string)
Err(e) => {
if let Some(true) = endpoint.should_err {
EndpointStatus::ok(url, label, duration)
EndpointStatus::ok(url, label, rtt_string)
} else {
EndpointStatus::error(url, label, Some(format!("{}", e)))
@ -122,3 +121,14 @@ fn get_url(base: &Option<String>, path: &String, port: Option<u16>) -> Result<St
fn append_err_msg(optional: Option<String>, to_append: String) -> Option<String> {
// Turns out Rust doesn't recognize that only one of the FnOnce occurs, so
// as a result both closures want ownership of to_append
// Some(optional.map_or_else(|| to_append, |msg| format!("{} {}", msg, to_append)))
Some(match optional {
Some(e) => format!("{} {}", e, to_append),
None => to_append,