# endstat `endstat` is an easy-to-use **End**point **Stat**us checking tool, meant for checking the health of various web locations. It supports arbitrary domains and ports, status matching, and body matching using [ron][ron], a quick-to-understand config file notation, built in [Rust][rust] using [actix][actix]. My motivation was that I wanted to make a dashboard that was easy-to-use to make sure my homelab services were running when I screwed around with config files. [ron]: https://github.com/ron-rs/ron [rust]: https://rust-lang.org [actix]: https://github.com/ron-rs/ron ## Features - HTTP/HTTPS - Arbitrary ports - Expected body and/or status code responses - Optional no redirect following - API endpoints (`/api`, `/rss`) - Webhooks ## Getting started There's an example config file that you can simply rename to `endstat_conf.ron`. It should be a relatively comprehensive example of what sort of flexibility `endstat` offers. If you're building from source, execute `cargo run`. If you've gotten this binary from somewhere else, simply execute it.