section stuct

Edward Shen 2021-03-06 21:25:21 -05:00
parent ca55bff79d
commit 32fe1612f5
Signed by: edward
GPG Key ID: 19182661E818369F
2 changed files with 280 additions and 155 deletions

View File

@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ pub enum GitConfigError<'a> {
/// The requested subsection does not exist.
SubSectionDoesNotExist(Option<&'a str>),
/// The key does not exist in the requested section.
/// The conversion into the provided type for methods such as
/// [`GitConfig::get_value`] failed.
/// [`GitConfig::value`] failed.
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ impl Display for GitConfigError<'_> {
Some(s) => write!(f, "Subsection '{}' does not exist.", s),
None => write!(f, "Top level section does not exist."),
Self::KeyDoesNotExist(k) => write!(f, "Name '{}' does not exist.", k),
Self::KeyDoesNotExist => write!(f, "The name for a value provided does not exist."),
Self::FailedConversion => write!(f, "Failed to convert to specified type."),
@ -55,43 +55,48 @@ impl std::error::Error for GitConfigError<'_> {}
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Copy, Clone, PartialOrd, Ord, Debug)]
struct SectionId(usize);
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug)]
enum LookupTreeNode<'a> {
NonTerminal(HashMap<Cow<'a, str>, Vec<SectionId>>),
/// A opaque type that represents a mutable reference to a section.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord, Debug)]
pub struct MutableSection<'borrow, 'event>(&'borrow mut Vec<Event<'event>>);
/// An intermediate representation of a mutable value obtained from
/// [`GitConfig`].
/// This holds a mutable reference to the underlying data structure of
/// [`GitConfig`], and thus guarantees through Rust's borrower checker that
/// multiple mutable references to [`GitConfig`] cannot be owned at the same
/// time.
pub struct MutableValue<'borrow, 'lookup, 'event> {
section: &'borrow mut Vec<Event<'event>>,
key: Key<'lookup>,
index: usize,
size: usize,
impl<'event> MutableSection<'_, 'event> {
/// Retrieves the last matching value in a section with the given key.
/// Returns None if the key was not found.
pub fn value(&'event self, key: &Key) -> Option<Cow<'event, [u8]>> {
// Section(*self.0).value(key)
impl MutableValue<'_, '_, '_> {
/// Returns the actual value. This is computed each time this is called, so
/// it's best to reuse this value or own it if an allocation is acceptable.
/// # Errors
/// Returns an error if the lookup failed.
pub fn get(&self) -> Result<Cow<'_, [u8]>, GitConfigError> {
/// Adds an entry to the end of this section
pub fn push(&mut self, key: Key<'event>, value: Cow<'event, [u8]>) {
/// Pops the last entry.
pub fn pop(&mut self) {
// let mut key;
// while let Some(e) = self.0.pop() {
// key = e;
// }
fn get<'key>(
key: Key<'key>,
start: usize,
end: usize,
) -> Result<Cow<'_, [u8]>, GitConfigError<'key>> {
let mut found_key = false;
let mut latest_value = None;
let mut partial_value = None;
// section_id is guaranteed to exist in self.sections, else we have a
// violated invariant.
for event in &self.section[self.index..=self.index + self.size] {
for event in &self.0[start..=end] {
match event {
Event::Key(event_key) if *event_key == self.key => found_key = true,
Event::Key(event_key) if *event_key == key => found_key = true,
Event::Value(v) if found_key => {
found_key = false;
latest_value = Some(Cow::Borrowed(v.borrow()));
@ -111,7 +116,147 @@ impl MutableValue<'_, '_, '_> {
fn delete(&mut self, start: usize, end: usize) {
fn set_value(&mut self, index: usize, key: Key<'event>, value: Vec<u8>) {
self.0.insert(index, Event::Value(Cow::Owned(value)));
self.0.insert(index, Event::KeyValueSeparator);
self.0.insert(index, Event::Key(key));
/// A opaque type that represents a reference to a section.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord, Debug)]
pub struct Section<'borrow, 'event>(&'borrow [Event<'event>]);
impl<'event> Section<'_, 'event> {
/// Retrieves the last matching value in a section with the given key.
/// Returns None if the key was not found.
pub fn value(&'event self, key: &Key) -> Option<Cow<'event, [u8]>> {
let mut found_key = false;
let mut latest_value = None;
let mut partial_value = None;
for event in self.0 {
match event {
Event::Key(event_key) if *event_key == *key => found_key = true,
Event::Value(v) if found_key => {
found_key = false;
latest_value = Some(Cow::Borrowed(v.borrow()));
partial_value = None;
Event::ValueNotDone(v) if found_key => {
latest_value = None;
partial_value = Some((*v).to_vec());
Event::ValueDone(v) if found_key => {
found_key = false;
_ => (),
/// Retrieves the last matching value in a section with the given key, and
/// attempts to convert the value into the provided type.
/// # Errors
/// Returns an error if the key was not found, or if the conversion failed.
pub fn value_as<T: TryFrom<Cow<'event, [u8]>>>(
&'event self,
key: &Key,
) -> Result<T, GitConfigError<'event>> {
.map_err(|_| GitConfigError::FailedConversion)
/// Retrieves all values that have the provided key name. This may return
/// an empty vec, which implies there was values with the provided key.
pub fn values(&'event self, key: &Key) -> Vec<Cow<'event, [u8]>> {
let mut values = vec![];
let mut found_key = false;
let mut partial_value = None;
for event in self.0 {
match event {
Event::Key(event_key) if *event_key == *key => found_key = true,
Event::Value(v) if found_key => {
found_key = false;
partial_value = None;
Event::ValueNotDone(v) if found_key => {
partial_value = Some((*v).to_vec());
Event::ValueDone(v) if found_key => {
found_key = false;
_ => (),
/// Retrieves all values that have the provided key name. This may return
/// an empty vec, which implies there was values with the provided key.
/// # Errors
/// Returns an error if the conversion failed.
pub fn values_as<T: TryFrom<Cow<'event, [u8]>>>(
&'event self,
key: &Key,
) -> Result<Vec<T>, GitConfigError> {
.map(|v| T::try_from(v))
.collect::<Result<Vec<T>, _>>()
.map_err(|_| GitConfigError::FailedConversion)
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug)]
enum LookupTreeNode<'a> {
NonTerminal(HashMap<Cow<'a, str>, Vec<SectionId>>),
/// An intermediate representation of a mutable value obtained from
/// [`GitConfig`].
/// This holds a mutable reference to the underlying data structure of
/// [`GitConfig`], and thus guarantees through Rust's borrower checker that
/// multiple mutable references to [`GitConfig`] cannot be owned at the same
/// time.
pub struct MutableValue<'borrow, 'lookup, 'event> {
section: MutableSection<'borrow, 'event>,
key: Key<'lookup>,
index: usize,
size: usize,
impl MutableValue<'_, '_, '_> {
/// Returns the actual value. This is computed each time this is called, so
/// it's best to reuse this value or own it if an allocation is acceptable.
/// # Errors
/// Returns an error if the lookup failed.
pub fn get(&self) -> Result<Cow<'_, [u8]>, GitConfigError> {
.get(self.key.clone(), self.index, self.index + self.size)
/// Update the value to the provided one. This modifies the value such that
@ -127,23 +272,18 @@ impl MutableValue<'_, '_, '_> {
/// new value.
pub fn set_bytes(&mut self, input: Vec<u8>) {
if self.size > 0 {
self.section.drain(self.index..=self.index + self.size);
self.section.delete(self.index, self.index + self.size);
self.size = 3;
.insert(self.index, Event::Value(Cow::Owned(input)));
self.section.insert(self.index, Event::KeyValueSeparator);
.set_value(self.index, Key(Cow::Owned(self.key.to_string())), input);
/// Removes the value. Does nothing when called multiple times in
/// succession.
pub fn delete(&mut self) {
if self.size > 0 {
self.section.drain(self.index..=self.index + self.size);
self.section.delete(self.index, self.index + self.size);
self.size = 0;
@ -248,7 +388,7 @@ impl<'lookup, 'event> MutableMultiValue<'_, 'lookup, 'event> {
if values.is_empty() {
return Err(GitConfigError::KeyDoesNotExist(self.key.to_owned()));
return Err(GitConfigError::KeyDoesNotExist);
@ -554,7 +694,7 @@ impl<'event> GitConfig<'event> {
/// the conversion is already implemented, but this function is flexible and
/// will accept any type that implements [`TryFrom<&[u8]>`][`TryFrom`].
/// Consider [`Self::get_multi_value`] if you want to get all values of a
/// Consider [`Self::multi_value`] if you want to get all values of a
/// multivar instead.
/// # Examples
@ -571,9 +711,9 @@ impl<'event> GitConfig<'event> {
/// "#;
/// let git_config = GitConfig::try_from(config).unwrap();
/// // You can either use the turbofish to determine the type...
/// let a_value = git_config.get_value::<Integer>("core", None, "a")?;
/// let a_value = git_config.value::<Integer>("core", None, "a")?;
/// // ... or explicitly declare the type to avoid the turbofish
/// let c_value: Boolean = git_config.get_value("core", None, "c")?;
/// let c_value: Boolean = git_config.value("core", None, "c")?;
/// # Ok::<(), GitConfigError>(())
/// ```
@ -585,7 +725,7 @@ impl<'event> GitConfig<'event> {
/// [`values`]: crate::values
/// [`TryFrom`]: std::convert::TryFrom
pub fn get_value<'lookup, T: TryFrom<Cow<'event, [u8]>>>(
pub fn value<'lookup, T: TryFrom<Cow<'event, [u8]>>>(
&'event self,
section_name: &'lookup str,
subsection_name: Option<&'lookup str>,
@ -602,7 +742,7 @@ impl<'event> GitConfig<'event> {
/// the conversion is already implemented, but this function is flexible and
/// will accept any type that implements [`TryFrom<&[u8]>`][`TryFrom`].
/// Consider [`Self::get_value`] if you want to get a single value
/// Consider [`Self::value`] if you want to get a single value
/// (following last-one-wins resolution) instead.
/// # Examples
@ -622,7 +762,7 @@ impl<'event> GitConfig<'event> {
/// "#;
/// let git_config = GitConfig::try_from(config).unwrap();
/// // You can either use the turbofish to determine the type...
/// let a_value = git_config.get_multi_value::<Boolean>("core", None, "a")?;
/// let a_value = git_config.multi_value::<Boolean>("core", None, "a")?;
/// assert_eq!(
/// a_value,
/// vec![
@ -632,7 +772,7 @@ impl<'event> GitConfig<'event> {
/// ]
/// );
/// // ... or explicitly declare the type to avoid the turbofish
/// let c_value: Vec<Value> = git_config.get_multi_value("core", None, "c")?;
/// let c_value: Vec<Value> = git_config.multi_value("core", None, "c")?;
/// assert_eq!(c_value, vec![Value::Other(Cow::Borrowed(b"g"))]);
/// # Ok::<(), GitConfigError>(())
/// ```
@ -645,7 +785,7 @@ impl<'event> GitConfig<'event> {
/// [`values`]: crate::values
/// [`TryFrom`]: std::convert::TryFrom
pub fn get_multi_value<'lookup, T: TryFrom<Cow<'event, [u8]>>>(
pub fn multi_value<'lookup, T: TryFrom<Cow<'event, [u8]>>>(
&'event self,
section_name: &'lookup str,
subsection_name: Option<&'lookup str>,
@ -658,6 +798,59 @@ impl<'event> GitConfig<'event> {
.map_err(|_| GitConfigError::FailedConversion)
/// TODO
pub fn section(
&mut self,
section_name: impl Into<Cow<'event, str>>,
subsection_name: impl Into<Option<Cow<'event, str>>>,
) {
// let section_ids =
// self.get_section_ids_by_name_and_subname(section_name.into(), subsection_name.into());
/// TODO
pub fn section_mut(
&mut self,
section_name: impl Into<Cow<'event, str>>,
subsection_name: impl Into<Option<Cow<'event, str>>>,
) {
/// Adds a new section to config. This cannot fail.
pub fn new_section(
&mut self,
section_name: impl Into<Cow<'event, str>>,
subsection_name: impl Into<Option<Cow<'event, str>>>,
) {
// Return mutable section?
&mut Some(vec![]),
/// Removes the section, returning the events it had, if any. If multiple
/// sections have the same name, then the last one is returned.
pub fn remove_section<'lookup>(
&mut self,
section_name: &'lookup str,
subsection_name: impl Into<Option<&'lookup str>>,
) -> Option<Vec<Event>> {
let section_ids =
self.get_section_ids_by_name_and_subname(section_name, subsection_name.into());
let section_ids = section_ids.ok()?.pop()?;
/// # Raw value API
/// These functions are the raw value API. Instead of returning Rust structures,
/// these functions return bytes which may or may not be owned. Generally
/// speaking, you shouldn't need to use these functions, but are exposed in case
/// the higher level functions are deficient.
impl<'event> GitConfig<'event> {
/// Returns an uninterpreted value given a section, an optional subsection
/// and key.
@ -677,42 +870,18 @@ impl<'event> GitConfig<'event> {
// Note: cannot wrap around the raw_multi_value method because we need
// to guarantee that the highest section id is used (so that we follow
// the "last one wins" resolution strategy by `git-config`).
let section_ids =
self.get_section_ids_by_name_and_subname(section_name, subsection_name)?;
let key = Key(key.into());
for section_id in section_ids.iter().rev() {
let mut found_key = false;
let mut latest_value = None;
let mut partial_value = None;
// section_id is guaranteed to exist in self.sections, else we have a
// violated invariant.
for event in self.sections.get(section_id).unwrap() {
match event {
Event::Key(event_key) if *event_key == key => found_key = true,
Event::Value(v) if found_key => {
found_key = false;
latest_value = Some(Cow::Borrowed(v.borrow()));
partial_value = None;
Event::ValueNotDone(v) if found_key => {
latest_value = None;
partial_value = Some((*v).to_vec());
Event::ValueDone(v) if found_key => {
found_key = false;
_ => (),
if let Some(v) = latest_value.or_else(|| {
return Ok(v);
for section_id in self
.get_section_ids_by_name_and_subname(section_name, subsection_name)?
if let Some(v) = Section(self.sections.get(section_id).unwrap()).value(&key) {
return Ok(v.to_vec().into());
/// Returns a mutable reference to an uninterpreted value given a section,
@ -764,14 +933,14 @@ impl<'event> GitConfig<'event> {
return Ok(MutableValue {
section: self.sections.get_mut(section_id).unwrap(),
section: MutableSection(self.sections.get_mut(section_id).unwrap()),
/// Returns all uninterpreted values given a section, an optional subsection
@ -823,32 +992,16 @@ impl<'event> GitConfig<'event> {
let key = Key(key.into());
let mut values = vec![];
for section_id in self.get_section_ids_by_name_and_subname(section_name, subsection_name)? {
let mut found_key = false;
let mut partial_value = None;
// section_id is guaranteed to exist in self.sections, else we
// have a violated invariant.
for event in self.sections.get(&section_id).unwrap() {
match event {
Event::Key(event_key) if *event_key == key => found_key = true,
Event::Value(v) if found_key => {
found_key = false;
Event::ValueNotDone(v) if found_key => {
partial_value = Some((*v).to_vec());
Event::ValueDone(v) if found_key => {
found_key = false;
_ => (),
.map(|v| Cow::Owned(v.to_vec())),
if values.is_empty() {
} else {
@ -954,7 +1107,7 @@ impl<'event> GitConfig<'event> {
if entries.is_empty() {
} else {
Ok(MutableMultiValue {
section: &mut self.sections,
@ -1102,32 +1255,6 @@ impl<'event> GitConfig<'event> {
self.get_raw_multi_value_mut(section_name, subsection_name, key)
.map(|mut v| v.set_values(new_values))
/// Adds a new section to config. This cannot fail.
pub fn new_empty_section(
&mut self,
section_name: impl Into<Cow<'event, str>>,
subsection_name: impl Into<Option<Cow<'event, str>>>,
) {
&mut Some(vec![]),
/// Removes the section, returning the events it had, if any.
pub fn remove_section<'lookup>(
&mut self,
section_name: &'lookup str,
subsection_name: impl Into<Option<&'lookup str>>,
) -> Option<Vec<Event>> {
let section_ids =
self.get_section_ids_by_name_and_subname(section_name, subsection_name.into());
let section_ids = section_ids.ok()?.pop()?;
/// Private helper functions
@ -1918,7 +2045,7 @@ mod get_raw_value {
let config = GitConfig::try_from("[core]\na=b\nc=d").unwrap();
config.get_raw_value("core", None, "aaaaaa"),
@ -1945,8 +2072,8 @@ mod get_value {
fn single_section() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let config = GitConfig::try_from("[core]\na=b\nc").unwrap();
let first_value: Value = config.get_value("core", None, "a")?;
let second_value: Boolean = config.get_value("core", None, "c")?;
let first_value: Value = config.value("core", None, "a")?;
let second_value: Boolean = config.value("core", None, "c")?;
assert_eq!(first_value, Value::Other(Cow::Borrowed(b"b")));
assert_eq!(second_value, Boolean::True(TrueVariant::Implicit));
@ -1958,7 +2085,7 @@ mod get_value {
mod get_raw_multi_value {
use super::{Cow, GitConfig, GitConfigError, TryFrom};
use crate::parser::{Key, SectionHeaderName};
use crate::parser::SectionHeaderName;
fn single_value_is_identical_to_single_value_query() {
@ -2016,7 +2143,7 @@ mod get_raw_multi_value {
let config = GitConfig::try_from("[core]\na=b\nc=d").unwrap();
config.get_raw_multi_value("core", None, "aaaaaa"),

View File

@ -20,17 +20,17 @@ fn get_value_for_all_provided_values() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>
let file = GitConfig::try_from(config)?;
file.get_value::<Boolean>("core", None, "bool-explicit")?,
file.value::<Boolean>("core", None, "bool-explicit")?,
file.get_value::<Boolean>("core", None, "bool-implicit")?,
file.value::<Boolean>("core", None, "bool-implicit")?,
file.get_value::<Integer>("core", None, "integer-no-prefix")?,
file.value::<Integer>("core", None, "integer-no-prefix")?,
Integer {
value: 10,
suffix: None
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ fn get_value_for_all_provided_values() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>
file.get_value::<Integer>("core", None, "integer-no-prefix")?,
file.value::<Integer>("core", None, "integer-no-prefix")?,
Integer {
value: 10,
suffix: None
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ fn get_value_for_all_provided_values() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>
file.get_value::<Integer>("core", None, "integer-prefix")?,
file.value::<Integer>("core", None, "integer-prefix")?,
Integer {
value: 10,
suffix: Some(IntegerSuffix::Gibi),
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ fn get_value_for_all_provided_values() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>
file.get_value::<Color>("core", None, "color")?,
file.value::<Color>("core", None, "color")?,
Color {
foreground: Some(ColorValue::BrightGreen),
background: Some(ColorValue::Red),
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ fn get_value_for_all_provided_values() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>
file.get_value::<Value>("core", None, "other")?,
file.value::<Value>("core", None, "other")?,
Value::Other(Cow::Borrowed(b"hello world"))
@ -86,12 +86,12 @@ fn get_value_looks_up_all_sections_before_failing() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::e
// Checks that we check the last entry first still
file.get_value::<Boolean>("core", None, "bool-implicit")?,
file.value::<Boolean>("core", None, "bool-implicit")?,
file.get_value::<Boolean>("core", None, "bool-explicit")?,
file.value::<Boolean>("core", None, "bool-explicit")?,
@ -102,12 +102,10 @@ fn get_value_looks_up_all_sections_before_failing() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::e
fn section_names_are_case_insensitive() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let config = "[core] bool-implicit";
let file = GitConfig::try_from(config)?;
.get_value::<Boolean>("core", None, "bool-implicit")
assert!(file.value::<Boolean>("core", None, "bool-implicit").is_ok());
file.get_value::<Boolean>("core", None, "bool-implicit"),
file.get_value::<Boolean>("CORE", None, "bool-implicit")
file.value::<Boolean>("core", None, "bool-implicit"),
file.value::<Boolean>("CORE", None, "bool-implicit")
@ -119,10 +117,10 @@ fn value_names_are_case_insensitive() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>
a = true
A = false";
let file = GitConfig::try_from(config)?;
assert_eq!(file.get_multi_value::<Boolean>("core", None, "a")?.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(file.multi_value::<Boolean>("core", None, "a")?.len(), 2);
file.get_value::<Boolean>("core", None, "a"),
file.get_value::<Boolean>("core", None, "A")
file.value::<Boolean>("core", None, "a"),
file.value::<Boolean>("core", None, "A")