# git-config **git-config is a library for interacting with `git-config` files.** This crate intents to be a performant Rust implementation for reading and writing `git-config` files. It exposes tiers of abstractions, from simple config value wrappers to a high level reader and writer. The highlight of this crate is the zero-copy parser. We employ techniques to avoid copying where necessary, and reads that do not need normalization are guaranteed to be zero-copy. Higher level abstractions maintain this guarantee, and utilizes acceleration structures for increased performance. Currently, this is _not_ a binary. While we do intent to have a drop-in replacement for the `git config` sub-command, we're currently missing system-level abstractions to do so. ## Examples Reading and writing to a config: ```rust use git_config::file::GitConfig; use git_config::values::Boolean; use std::fs::read_to_string; let input = r#" [core] some-bool = true [other "internal"] hello = world "#; let mut config = GitConfig::from(input)?; let boolean = config.get_config::("core", None, "some-bool"); config.set_value("other", Some("internal"), "hello", "clippy!"); ``` ## Contributing Contributions are always welcome! ### Code quality This repository enables pedantic, cargo, and nursery `clippy` lints. Make sure to run `cargo clean && cargo clippy` (the clean stage is very important!) to ensure your code is linted. ### Testing Since this is a performance oriented crate, in addition to well tested code via `cargo test`, we also perform benchmarks to measure notable gains or losses in performance. We use [`criterion`] so benches can be run via `cargo bench` after installing it via `cargo install cargo-criterion`. Changes to `parser.rs` may include a request to fuzz to ensure that it cannot panic on inputs. This can be done by executing `cargo fuzz parser` after installing the `fuzz` sub-command via `cargo install cargo-fuzz`. #### License Licensed under either of Apache License, Version 2.0 or MIT license at your option.
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in git-config by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions. [`criterion`]: https://github.com/bheisler/criterion.rs