use git_config::file::GitConfig; use git_config::values::*; use std::borrow::Cow; use std::convert::TryFrom; /// Asserts we can cast into all variants of our type #[test] fn get_value_for_all_provided_values() -> Result<(), Box> { let config = r#" [core] bool-explicit = false bool-implicit integer-no-prefix = 10 integer-prefix = 10g color = brightgreen red \ bold other = hello world "#; let file = GitConfig::try_from(config)?; assert_eq!( file.value::("core", None, "bool-explicit")?, Boolean::False(Cow::Borrowed("false")) ); assert_eq!( file.value::("core", None, "bool-implicit")?, Boolean::True(TrueVariant::Implicit) ); assert_eq!( file.value::("core", None, "integer-no-prefix")?, Integer { value: 10, suffix: None } ); assert_eq!( file.value::("core", None, "integer-no-prefix")?, Integer { value: 10, suffix: None } ); assert_eq!( file.value::("core", None, "integer-prefix")?, Integer { value: 10, suffix: Some(IntegerSuffix::Gibi), } ); assert_eq!( file.value::("core", None, "color")?, Color { foreground: Some(ColorValue::BrightGreen), background: Some(ColorValue::Red), attributes: vec![ColorAttribute::Bold] } ); assert_eq!( file.value::("core", None, "other")?, Value::Other(Cow::Borrowed(b"hello world")) ); Ok(()) } /// There was a regression where lookup would fail because we only checked the /// last section entry for any given section and subsection #[test] fn get_value_looks_up_all_sections_before_failing() -> Result<(), Box> { let config = r#" [core] bool-explicit = false bool-implicit = false [core] bool-implicit "#; let file = GitConfig::try_from(config)?; // Checks that we check the last entry first still assert_eq!( file.value::("core", None, "bool-implicit")?, Boolean::True(TrueVariant::Implicit) ); assert_eq!( file.value::("core", None, "bool-explicit")?, Boolean::False(Cow::Borrowed("false")) ); Ok(()) } #[test] fn section_names_are_case_insensitive() -> Result<(), Box> { let config = "[core] bool-implicit"; let file = GitConfig::try_from(config)?; assert!(file.value::("core", None, "bool-implicit").is_ok()); assert_eq!( file.value::("core", None, "bool-implicit"), file.value::("CORE", None, "bool-implicit") ); Ok(()) } #[test] fn value_names_are_case_insensitive() -> Result<(), Box> { let config = "[core] a = true A = false"; let file = GitConfig::try_from(config)?; assert_eq!(file.multi_value::("core", None, "a")?.len(), 2); assert_eq!( file.value::("core", None, "a"), file.value::("core", None, "A") ); Ok(()) }