use crate::values::{Boolean, TrueVariant, Value}; use nom::bytes::complete::{escaped, tag, take_till, take_while}; use nom::character::complete::{char, none_of, one_of}; use nom::character::{is_newline, is_space}; use nom::combinator::{map, opt}; use nom::error::{Error as NomError, ErrorKind}; use nom::multi::many1; use nom::sequence::delimited; use nom::IResult; use nom::{branch::alt, multi::many0}; /// An event is any syntactic event that occurs in the config. #[derive(PartialEq, Debug)] pub enum Event<'a> { Comment(Comment<'a>), Key(&'a str), /// Represents any token used to signify a new line character. On Unix /// platforms, this is typically just `\n`, but can be any valid newline /// sequence. Newline(&'a str), /// Value(Value<'a>), /// Any value that isn't completed. This occurs when the value is continued /// onto the next line. A Newline event is guaranteed after, followed by /// either another ValueNotDone or a ValueDone. ValueNotDone(&'a str), /// The last line of a value which was continued onto another line. ValueDone(&'a str), } #[derive(PartialEq, Debug)] pub struct Section<'a> { section_header: SectionHeader<'a>, items: Vec>, } #[derive(PartialEq, Debug)] pub struct SectionHeader<'a> { name: &'a str, subsection_name: Option<&'a str>, } #[derive(PartialEq, Debug)] pub struct Comment<'a> { comment_tag: char, comment: &'a str, } pub struct Parser<'a> { init_comments: Vec>, sections: Vec>, } pub fn parse(input: &str) -> Result, ()> { let (i, comments) = many0(comment)(input).unwrap(); let (i, sections) = many1(section)(i).unwrap(); Ok(Parser { init_comments: comments, sections, }) } fn comment<'a>(i: &'a str) -> IResult<&'a str, Comment<'a>> { let i = i.trim_start(); let (i, comment_tag) = one_of(";#")(i)?; let (i, comment) = take_till(is_char_newline)(i)?; Ok(( i, Comment { comment_tag, comment, }, )) } fn section<'a>(i: &'a str) -> IResult<&'a str, Section<'a>> { let (i, section_header) = section_header(i)?; // need alt here for eof? let (i, items) = many1(alt(( map(section_body, |(key, values)| { let mut vec = vec![Event::Key(key)]; vec.extend(values); vec }), map(comment, |comment| vec![Event::Comment(comment)]), )))(i)?; Ok(( i, Section { section_header, items: items.into_iter().flatten().collect(), }, )) } fn section_header<'a>(i: &'a str) -> IResult<&'a str, SectionHeader<'a>> { let (i, _) = char('[')(i)?; // No spaces must be between section name and section start let (i, name) = take_while(|c: char| c.is_ascii_alphanumeric() || c == '-' || c == '.')(i)?; if let Ok((i, _)) = char::<_, NomError<&str>>(']')(i) { // Either section does not have a subsection or using deprecated // subsection syntax at this point. let header = match name.rfind('.') { Some(index) => SectionHeader { name: &name[..index], subsection_name: Some(&name[index + 1..]), }, None => SectionHeader { name: name, subsection_name: None, }, }; return Ok((i, header)); } // Section header must be using modern subsection syntax at this point. let (i, _) = take_spaces(i)?; let (i, subsection_name) = delimited( char('"'), opt(escaped(none_of("\"\\\n\0"), '\\', one_of(r#""\"#))), tag("\"]"), )(i)?; Ok(( i, SectionHeader { name: name, // We know that there's some section name here, so if we get an // empty vec here then we actually parsed an empty section name. subsection_name: subsection_name.or(Some("")), }, )) } fn take_spaces<'a>(i: &'a str) -> IResult<&'a str, &'a str> { take_while(|c: char| c.is_ascii() && is_space(c as u8))(i) } fn section_body<'a>(i: &'a str) -> IResult<&'a str, (&'a str, Vec>)> { let i = i.trim_start(); // maybe need to check for [ here let (i, name) = config_name(i)?; let (i, _) = take_spaces(i)?; let (i, value) = config_value(i)?; Ok((i, (name, value))) } /// Parses the config name of a config pair. Assumes the input has already been /// trimmed of any leading whitespace. fn config_name<'a>(i: &'a str) -> IResult<&'a str, &'a str> { if i.is_empty() { return Err(nom::Err::Error(NomError { input: i, code: ErrorKind::NonEmpty, })); } if !i.chars().nth(0).unwrap().is_alphabetic() { return Err(nom::Err::Error(NomError { input: i, code: ErrorKind::Alpha, })); } take_while(|c: char| c.is_alphanumeric() || c == '-')(i) } fn config_value<'a>(i: &'a str) -> IResult<&'a str, Vec>> { if let (i, Some(_)) = opt(char('='))(i)? { let (i, _) = take_spaces(i)?; value_impl(i) } else { Ok(( i, vec![Event::Value(Value::Boolean(Boolean::True( TrueVariant::Implicit, )))], )) } } fn value_impl<'a>(i: &'a str) -> IResult<&'a str, Vec>> { // I wrote this code and don't know how it works. // // Even after sleeping on it I still don't know how it works. let mut events = vec![]; let mut parsed_index: usize = 0; let mut offset: usize = 0; let mut was_prev_char_escape_char = false; // This is required to ignore comment markers if they're in a quote. let mut is_in_quotes = false; // Used to determine if we return a Value or Value{Not,}Done let mut partial_value_found = false; for (index, c) in i.as_bytes().iter().enumerate() { if was_prev_char_escape_char { was_prev_char_escape_char = false; match c { // We're escaping a newline, which means we've found a // continuation. b'\n' => { partial_value_found = true; events.push(Event::ValueNotDone(&i[offset..index - 1])); events.push(Event::Newline(&i[index..index + 1])); offset = index + 1; parsed_index = 0; } b't' | b'\\' | b'n' | b'"' => (), _ => { return Err(nom::Err::Error(NomError { input: i, code: ErrorKind::Escaped, })); } } } else { match c { b'\n' => { parsed_index = index; break; } b';' | b'#' if !is_in_quotes => { parsed_index = index; break; } b'\\' => was_prev_char_escape_char = true, b'"' => is_in_quotes = !is_in_quotes, _ => {} } } } if parsed_index == 0 { parsed_index = i.len(); } // Handle incomplete escape if was_prev_char_escape_char { return Err(nom::Err::Error(NomError { input: i, code: ErrorKind::Escaped, })); } // Handle incomplete quotes if is_in_quotes { return Err(nom::Err::Error(NomError { input: i, code: ErrorKind::Tag, })); } let remainder_value = &i[offset..parsed_index].trim_end(); if partial_value_found { events.push(Event::ValueDone(remainder_value)); } else { events.push(Event::Value(Value::from_str(remainder_value))); } Ok((&i[parsed_index..], events)) } fn is_char_newline(c: char) -> bool { c.is_ascii() && is_newline(c as u8) } #[cfg(test)] mod parse { use super::*; fn fully_consumed(t: T) -> (&'static str, T) { ("", t) } mod comments { use super::super::*; use super::*; #[test] fn semicolon() { assert_eq!( comment("; this is a semicolon comment").unwrap(), fully_consumed(Comment { comment_tag: ';', comment: " this is a semicolon comment", }) ); } #[test] fn octothorpe() { assert_eq!( comment("# this is an octothorpe comment").unwrap(), fully_consumed(Comment { comment_tag: '#', comment: " this is an octothorpe comment", }) ); } #[test] fn multiple_markers() { assert_eq!( comment("###### this is an octothorpe comment").unwrap(), fully_consumed(Comment { comment_tag: '#', comment: "##### this is an octothorpe comment", }) ); } } mod section_headers { use super::super::*; use super::*; #[test] fn no_subsection() { assert_eq!( section_header("[hello]").unwrap(), fully_consumed(SectionHeader { name: "hello", subsection_name: None }) ); } #[test] fn modern_subsection() { assert_eq!( section_header(r#"[hello "world"]"#).unwrap(), fully_consumed(SectionHeader { name: "hello", subsection_name: Some("world") }) ); } #[test] fn escaped_subsection() { assert_eq!( section_header(r#"[hello "foo\\bar\""]"#).unwrap(), fully_consumed(SectionHeader { name: "hello", subsection_name: Some(r#"foo\\bar\""#) }) ); } #[test] fn deprecated_subsection() { assert_eq!( section_header(r#"[]"#).unwrap(), fully_consumed(SectionHeader { name: "hello", subsection_name: Some("world") }) ); } #[test] fn empty_legacy_subsection_name() { assert_eq!( section_header(r#"[hello.]"#).unwrap(), fully_consumed(SectionHeader { name: "hello", subsection_name: Some("") }) ); } #[test] fn empty_modern_subsection_name() { assert_eq!( section_header(r#"[hello ""]"#).unwrap(), fully_consumed(SectionHeader { name: "hello", subsection_name: Some("") }) ); } #[test] fn newline_in_header() { assert!(section_header("[hello\n]").is_err()) } #[test] fn null_byte_in_header() { assert!(section_header("[hello\0]").is_err()) } #[test] fn right_brace_in_subsection_name() { assert_eq!( section_header(r#"[hello "]"]"#).unwrap(), fully_consumed(SectionHeader { name: "hello", subsection_name: Some("]") }) ); } } mod config_name { use super::super::*; use super::*; #[test] fn just_name() { assert_eq!(config_name("name").unwrap(), fully_consumed("name")); } #[test] fn must_start_with_alphabetic() { assert!(config_name("4aaa").is_err()); assert!(config_name("-aaa").is_err()); } #[test] fn cannot_be_empty() { assert!(config_name("").is_err()) } } mod value_no_continuation { use super::super::*; use super::*; #[test] fn no_comment() { assert_eq!( value_impl("hello").unwrap(), fully_consumed(vec![Event::Value(Value::Other("hello"))]) ); } #[test] fn no_comment_newline() { assert_eq!( value_impl("hello\na").unwrap(), ("\na", vec![Event::Value(Value::Other("hello"))]) ) } #[test] fn no_comment_is_trimmed() { assert_eq!( value_impl("hello").unwrap(), value_impl("hello ").unwrap() ); } #[test] fn semicolon_comment_not_consumed() { assert_eq!( value_impl("hello;world").unwrap(), (";world", vec![Event::Value(Value::Other("hello")),]) ); } #[test] fn octothorpe_comment_not_consumed() { assert_eq!( value_impl("hello#world").unwrap(), ("#world", vec![Event::Value(Value::Other("hello")),]) ); } #[test] fn values_with_comments_are_trimmed() { assert_eq!( value_impl("hello#world").unwrap(), value_impl("hello #world").unwrap(), ); assert_eq!( value_impl("hello;world").unwrap(), value_impl("hello ;world").unwrap(), ); } #[test] fn trans_escaped_comment_marker_not_consumed() { assert_eq!( value_impl(r##"hello"#"world; a"##).unwrap(), ( "; a", vec![Event::Value(Value::Other(r##"hello"#"world"##)),] ) ); } #[test] fn complex_test() { assert_eq!( value_impl(r#"value";";ahhhh"#).unwrap(), (";ahhhh", vec![Event::Value(Value::Other(r#"value";""#)),]) ); } #[test] fn garbage_after_continution_is_err() { assert!(value_impl("hello \\afwjdls").is_err()); } } mod value_continuation { use super::super::*; use super::*; #[test] fn simple_continuation() { assert_eq!( value_impl("hello\\\nworld").unwrap(), fully_consumed(vec![ Event::ValueNotDone("hello"), Event::Newline("\n"), Event::ValueDone("world") ]) ); } #[test] fn complex_continuation_with_leftover_comment() { assert_eq!( value_impl("1 \"\\\"\\\na ; e \"\\\"\\\nd # \"b\t ; c").unwrap(), ( "# \"b\t ; c", vec![ Event::ValueNotDone(r#"1 "\""#), Event::Newline("\n"), Event::ValueNotDone(r#"a ; e "\""#), Event::Newline("\n"), Event::ValueDone("d"), ] ) ); } #[test] fn quote_split_over_two_lines_with_leftover_comment() { assert_eq!( value_impl("\"\\\n;\";a").unwrap(), ( ";a", vec![ Event::ValueNotDone("\""), Event::Newline("\n"), Event::ValueDone(";\""), ] ) ) } } mod section { use super::super::*; use super::*; #[test] fn simple_section() { let section_data = r#"[hello] a = b c d = "lol""#; assert_eq!( section(section_data).unwrap(), fully_consumed(Section { section_header: SectionHeader { name: "hello", subsection_name: None, }, items: vec![ Event::Key("a"), Event::Value(Value::from_str("b")), Event::Key("c"), Event::Value(Value::Boolean(Boolean::True(TrueVariant::Implicit))), Event::Key("d"), Event::Value(Value::from_str("\"lol\"")) ] }) ) } #[test] fn section_single_line() { assert_eq!( section("[hello] c").unwrap(), fully_consumed(Section { section_header: SectionHeader { name: "hello", subsection_name: None, }, items: vec![ Event::Key("c"), Event::Value(Value::Boolean(Boolean::True(TrueVariant::Implicit))) ] }) ); } #[test] fn section_very_commented() { let section_data = r#"[hello] ; commentA a = b # commentB ; commentC ; commentD c = d"#; assert_eq!( section(section_data).unwrap(), fully_consumed(Section { section_header: SectionHeader { name: "hello", subsection_name: None, }, items: vec![ Event::Comment(Comment { comment_tag: ';', comment: " commentA", }), Event::Key("a"), Event::Value(Value::from_str("b")), Event::Comment(Comment { comment_tag: '#', comment: " commentB", }), Event::Comment(Comment { comment_tag: ';', comment: " commentC", }), Event::Comment(Comment { comment_tag: ';', comment: " commentD", }), Event::Key("c"), Event::Value(Value::from_str("d")), ] }) ); } #[test] fn complex_continuation() { // This test is absolute hell. Good luck if this fails. assert_eq!( section("[section] a = 1 \"\\\"\\\na ; e \"\\\"\\\nd # \"b\t ; c").unwrap(), fully_consumed(Section { section_header: SectionHeader { name: "section", subsection_name: None, }, items: vec![ Event::Key("a"), Event::ValueNotDone(r#"1 "\""#), Event::Newline("\n"), Event::ValueNotDone(r#"a ; e "\""#), Event::Newline("\n"), Event::ValueDone("d"), Event::Comment(Comment { comment_tag: '#', comment: " \"b\t ; c" }) ] }) ); } #[test] fn quote_split_over_two_lines() { assert_eq!( section("[section \"a\"] b =\"\\\n;\";a").unwrap(), fully_consumed(Section { section_header: SectionHeader { name: "section", subsection_name: Some("a") }, items: vec![ Event::Key("b"), Event::ValueNotDone("\""), Event::Newline("\n"), Event::ValueDone(";\""), Event::Comment(Comment { comment: "a", comment_tag: ';' }) ] }) ) } } }