use std::sync::atomic::Ordering; use std::time::Duration; use actix_web::error::ErrorNotFound; use actix_web::http::header::{ ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN, ACCESS_CONTROL_EXPOSE_HEADERS, CACHE_CONTROL, CONTENT_LENGTH, CONTENT_TYPE, LAST_MODIFIED, X_CONTENT_TYPE_OPTIONS, }; use actix_web::web::Path; use actix_web::HttpResponseBuilder; use actix_web::{get, web::Data, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Responder}; use base64::DecodeError; use bytes::Bytes; use chrono::{DateTime, Utc}; use futures::{Stream, TryStreamExt}; use log::{debug, error, info, trace, warn}; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use prometheus::{Encoder, TextEncoder}; use reqwest::{Client, StatusCode}; use serde::Deserialize; use sodiumoxide::crypto::box_::{open_precomputed, Nonce, PrecomputedKey, NONCEBYTES}; use thiserror::Error; use crate::cache::{Cache, CacheKey, ImageMetadata, UpstreamError}; use crate::client_api_version; use crate::config::{OFFLINE_MODE, SEND_SERVER_VERSION, VALIDATE_TOKENS}; use crate::metrics::{ CACHE_HIT_COUNTER, CACHE_MISS_COUNTER, REQUESTS_DATA_COUNTER, REQUESTS_DATA_SAVER_COUNTER, REQUESTS_OTHER_COUNTER, REQUESTS_TOTAL_COUNTER, }; use crate::state::RwLockServerState; pub const BASE64_CONFIG: base64::Config = base64::Config::new(base64::CharacterSet::UrlSafe, false); static HTTP_CLIENT: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { Client::builder() .pool_idle_timeout(Duration::from_secs(180)) .https_only(true) .http2_prior_knowledge() .build() .expect("Client initialization to work") }); const SERVER_ID_STRING: &str = concat!( env!("CARGO_CRATE_NAME"), " ", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"), " (", client_api_version!(), ") - Conforming to spec revision b82043289", ); enum ServerResponse { TokenValidationError(TokenValidationError), HttpResponse(HttpResponse), } impl Responder for ServerResponse { #[inline] fn respond_to(self, req: &HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse { match self { Self::TokenValidationError(e) => e.respond_to(req), Self::HttpResponse(resp) => {; resp.respond_to(req) } } } } #[get("/")] async fn index() -> impl Responder { HttpResponse::Ok().body(include_str!("index.html")) } #[allow(clippy::future_not_send)] #[get("/{token}/data/{chapter_hash}/{file_name}")] async fn token_data( state: Data, cache: Data, path: Path<(String, String, String)>, ) -> impl Responder {; let (token, chapter_hash, file_name) = path.into_inner(); if VALIDATE_TOKENS.load(Ordering::Acquire) { if let Err(e) = validate_token(&, token, &chapter_hash) { return ServerResponse::TokenValidationError(e); } } fetch_image(state, cache, chapter_hash, file_name, false).await } #[allow(clippy::future_not_send)] #[get("/{token}/data-saver/{chapter_hash}/{file_name}")] async fn token_data_saver( state: Data, cache: Data, path: Path<(String, String, String)>, ) -> impl Responder {; let (token, chapter_hash, file_name) = path.into_inner(); if VALIDATE_TOKENS.load(Ordering::Acquire) { if let Err(e) = validate_token(&, token, &chapter_hash) { return ServerResponse::TokenValidationError(e); } } fetch_image(state, cache, chapter_hash, file_name, true).await } #[allow(clippy::future_not_send)] pub async fn default(state: Data, req: HttpRequest) -> impl Responder {; let path = &format!( "{}{}",, req.path().chars().skip(1).collect::() ); if OFFLINE_MODE.load(Ordering::Acquire) { info!("Got unknown path in offline mode, returning 404: {}", path); return ServerResponse::HttpResponse( ErrorNotFound("Path is not valid in offline mode").into(), ); } info!("Got unknown path, just proxying: {}", path); let resp = match HTTP_CLIENT.get(path).send().await { Ok(resp) => resp, Err(e) => { error!("{}", e); return ServerResponse::HttpResponse(HttpResponse::BadGateway().finish()); } }; let content_type = resp.headers().get(CONTENT_TYPE); let mut resp_builder = HttpResponseBuilder::new(resp.status()); if let Some(content_type) = content_type { resp_builder.insert_header((CONTENT_TYPE, content_type)); } push_headers(&mut resp_builder); ServerResponse::HttpResponse(resp_builder.body(resp.bytes().await.unwrap_or_default())) } #[allow(clippy::future_not_send)] #[get("/metrics")] pub async fn metrics() -> impl Responder { let metric_families = prometheus::gather(); let mut buffer = Vec::new(); TextEncoder::new() .encode(&metric_families, &mut buffer) .unwrap(); String::from_utf8(buffer).unwrap() } #[derive(Error, Debug)] enum TokenValidationError { #[error("Failed to decode base64 token.")] DecodeError(#[from] DecodeError), #[error("Nonce was too short.")] IncompleteNonce, #[error("Invalid nonce.")] InvalidNonce, #[error("Decryption failed")] DecryptionFailure, #[error("The token format was invalid.")] InvalidToken, #[error("The token has expired.")] TokenExpired, #[error("Invalid chapter hash.")] InvalidChapterHash, } impl Responder for TokenValidationError { #[inline] fn respond_to(self, _: &HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse { push_headers(&mut HttpResponse::Forbidden()).finish() } } fn validate_token( precomputed_key: &PrecomputedKey, token: String, chapter_hash: &str, ) -> Result<(), TokenValidationError> { #[derive(Deserialize)] struct Token<'a> { expires: DateTime, hash: &'a str, } let data = base64::decode_config(token, BASE64_CONFIG)?; if data.len() < NONCEBYTES { return Err(TokenValidationError::IncompleteNonce); } let (nonce, encrypted) = data.split_at(NONCEBYTES); let nonce = Nonce::from_slice(nonce).ok_or(TokenValidationError::InvalidNonce)?; let decrypted = open_precomputed(encrypted, &nonce, precomputed_key) .map_err(|_| TokenValidationError::DecryptionFailure)?; let parsed_token: Token = serde_json::from_slice(&decrypted).map_err(|_| TokenValidationError::InvalidToken)?; if parsed_token.expires < Utc::now() { return Err(TokenValidationError::TokenExpired); } if parsed_token.hash != chapter_hash { return Err(TokenValidationError::InvalidChapterHash); } debug!("Token validated!"); Ok(()) } #[inline] fn push_headers(builder: &mut HttpResponseBuilder) -> &mut HttpResponseBuilder { builder .insert_header((X_CONTENT_TYPE_OPTIONS, "nosniff")) .insert_header((ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN, "")) .insert_header((ACCESS_CONTROL_EXPOSE_HEADERS, "*")) .insert_header((CACHE_CONTROL, "public, max-age=1209600")) .insert_header(("Timing-Allow-Origin", "")); if SEND_SERVER_VERSION.load(Ordering::Acquire) { builder.insert_header(("Server", SERVER_ID_STRING)); } builder } #[allow(clippy::future_not_send)] async fn fetch_image( state: Data, cache: Data, chapter_hash: String, file_name: String, is_data_saver: bool, ) -> ServerResponse { let key = CacheKey(chapter_hash, file_name, is_data_saver); match cache.get(&key).await { Some(Ok((image, metadata))) => {; return construct_response(image, &metadata); } Some(Err(_)) => { return ServerResponse::HttpResponse(HttpResponse::BadGateway().finish()); } _ => (), }; // If in offline mode, return early since there's nothing else we can do if OFFLINE_MODE.load(Ordering::Acquire) { return ServerResponse::HttpResponse( ErrorNotFound("Offline mode enabled and image not in cache").into(), ); } // It's important to not get a write lock before this request, else we're // holding the read lock until the await resolves. let resp = if is_data_saver { HTTP_CLIENT .get(format!( "{}/data-saver/{}/{}",, &key.0, &key.1 )) .send() } else { HTTP_CLIENT .get(format!( "{}/data/{}/{}",, &key.0, &key.1 )) .send() } .await; match resp { Ok(mut resp) => { let content_type = resp.headers().get(CONTENT_TYPE); let is_image = content_type .map(|v| String::from_utf8_lossy(v.as_ref()).contains("image/")) .unwrap_or_default(); if resp.status() != StatusCode::OK || !is_image { warn!( "Got non-OK or non-image response code from upstream, proxying and not caching result.", ); let mut resp_builder = HttpResponseBuilder::new(resp.status()); if let Some(content_type) = content_type { resp_builder.insert_header((CONTENT_TYPE, content_type)); } push_headers(&mut resp_builder); return ServerResponse::HttpResponse( resp_builder.body(resp.bytes().await.unwrap_or_default()), ); } let (content_type, length, last_mod) = { let headers = resp.headers_mut(); ( headers.remove(CONTENT_TYPE), headers.remove(CONTENT_LENGTH), headers.remove(LAST_MODIFIED), ) }; let body = resp.bytes_stream().map_err(|e| e.into()); debug!("Inserting into cache"); let metadata = ImageMetadata::new(content_type, length, last_mod).unwrap(); let stream = { match cache.put(key, Box::new(body), metadata).await { Ok(stream) => stream, Err(e) => { warn!("Failed to insert into cache: {}", e); return ServerResponse::HttpResponse( HttpResponse::InternalServerError().finish(), ); } } }; debug!("Done putting into cache"); construct_response(stream, &metadata) } Err(e) => { error!("Failed to fetch image from server: {}", e); ServerResponse::HttpResponse( push_headers(&mut HttpResponse::ServiceUnavailable()).finish(), ) } } } fn construct_response( data: impl Stream> + Unpin + 'static, metadata: &ImageMetadata, ) -> ServerResponse { trace!("Constructing response"); let mut resp = HttpResponse::Ok(); if let Some(content_type) = metadata.content_type { resp.append_header((CONTENT_TYPE, content_type.as_ref())); } if let Some(content_length) = metadata.content_length { resp.append_header((CONTENT_LENGTH, content_length)); } if let Some(last_modified) = metadata.last_modified { resp.append_header((LAST_MODIFIED, last_modified.to_rfc2822())); } ServerResponse::HttpResponse(push_headers(&mut resp).streaming(data)) }