use std::{collections::HashMap, sync::Arc, time::Duration}; use actix_web::{ http::{HeaderMap, HeaderName, HeaderValue}, web::Data, }; use bytes::Bytes; use log::{debug, error, warn}; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use parking_lot::RwLock; use reqwest::{ header::{ ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN, ACCESS_CONTROL_EXPOSE_HEADERS, CACHE_CONTROL, CONTENT_LENGTH, CONTENT_TYPE, LAST_MODIFIED, X_CONTENT_TYPE_OPTIONS, }, Client, StatusCode, }; use tokio::sync::{ watch::{channel, Receiver}, Notify, }; use crate::cache::{Cache, CacheKey, ImageMetadata}; pub static HTTP_CLIENT: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| CachingClient { inner: Client::builder() .pool_idle_timeout(Duration::from_secs(180)) .https_only(true) .http2_prior_knowledge() .build() .expect("Client initialization to work"), locks: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()), }); pub static DEFAULT_HEADERS: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { let mut headers = HeaderMap::with_capacity(8); headers.insert(X_CONTENT_TYPE_OPTIONS, HeaderValue::from_static("nosniff")); headers.insert( ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN, HeaderValue::from_static(""), ); headers.insert(ACCESS_CONTROL_EXPOSE_HEADERS, HeaderValue::from_static("*")); headers.insert( CACHE_CONTROL, HeaderValue::from_static("public, max-age=1209600"), ); headers.insert( HeaderName::from_static("timing-allow-origin"), HeaderValue::from_static(""), ); headers }); pub struct CachingClient { inner: Client, locks: RwLock>>, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub enum FetchResult { ServiceUnavailable, InternalServerError, Data(StatusCode, HeaderMap, Bytes), Processing, } impl CachingClient { pub async fn fetch_and_cache( &'static self, url: String, key: CacheKey, cache: Data, ) -> FetchResult { if let Some(recv) = { let mut recv = recv.clone(); loop { if !matches!(*recv.borrow(), FetchResult::Processing) { break; } if recv.changed().await.is_err() { break; } } return recv.borrow().clone(); } let url_0 = url.clone(); let notify = Arc::new(Notify::new()); let notify2 = Arc::clone(¬ify); tokio::spawn(async move { let (tx, rx) = channel(FetchResult::Processing); self.locks.write().insert(url.clone(), rx); notify.notify_one(); let resp = self.inner.get(&url).send().await; let resp = match resp { Ok(mut resp) => { let content_type = resp.headers().get(CONTENT_TYPE); let is_image = content_type .map(|v| String::from_utf8_lossy(v.as_ref()).contains("image/")) .unwrap_or_default(); if resp.status() != StatusCode::OK || !is_image { warn!("Got non-OK or non-image response code from upstream, proxying and not caching result."); let mut headers = DEFAULT_HEADERS.clone(); if let Some(content_type) = content_type { headers.insert(CONTENT_TYPE, content_type.clone()); } FetchResult::Data( resp.status(), headers, resp.bytes().await.unwrap_or_default(), ) } else { let (content_type, length, last_mod) = { let headers = resp.headers_mut(); ( headers.remove(CONTENT_TYPE), headers.remove(CONTENT_LENGTH), headers.remove(LAST_MODIFIED), ) }; let body = resp.bytes().await.unwrap(); debug!("Inserting into cache"); let metadata = ImageMetadata::new( content_type.clone(), length.clone(), last_mod.clone(), ) .unwrap(); match cache.put(key, body.clone(), metadata).await { Ok(()) => { debug!("Done putting into cache"); let mut headers = DEFAULT_HEADERS.clone(); if let Some(content_type) = content_type { headers.insert(CONTENT_TYPE, content_type); } if let Some(content_length) = length { headers.insert(CONTENT_LENGTH, content_length); } if let Some(last_modified) = last_mod { headers.insert(LAST_MODIFIED, last_modified); } FetchResult::Data(StatusCode::OK, headers, body) } Err(e) => { warn!("Failed to insert into cache: {}", e); FetchResult::InternalServerError } } } } Err(e) => { error!("Failed to fetch image from server: {}", e); FetchResult::ServiceUnavailable } }; // This shouldn't happen tx.send(resp).unwrap(); self.locks.write().remove(&url); }); notify2.notified().await; let mut recv =; loop { if !matches!(*recv.borrow(), FetchResult::Processing) { break; } if recv.changed().await.is_err() { break; } } let resp = recv.borrow().clone(); resp } #[inline] pub const fn inner(&self) -> &Client { &self.inner } }