#![warn(clippy::nursery, clippy::pedantic)] use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::Duration; use anyhow::Result; use axum::body::Bytes; use axum::extract::{Extension, Path, TypedHeader}; use axum::handler::{get, post}; use axum::http::header::EXPIRES; use axum::http::StatusCode; use axum::{AddExtensionLayer, Router}; use chrono::Utc; use headers::HeaderMap; use omegaupload_common::Expiration; use rand::thread_rng; use rand::Rng; use rocksdb::{ColumnFamilyDescriptor, IteratorMode}; use rocksdb::{Options, DB}; use tokio::task; use tracing::{error, instrument, trace}; use tracing::{info, warn}; use crate::short_code::ShortCode; mod short_code; const BLOB_CF_NAME: &str = "blob"; const META_CF_NAME: &str = "meta"; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<()> { const PASTE_DB_PATH: &str = "database"; const SHORT_CODE_SIZE: usize = 12; tracing_subscriber::fmt::init(); let mut db_options = Options::default(); db_options.create_if_missing(true); db_options.create_missing_column_families(true); db_options.set_compression_type(rocksdb::DBCompressionType::Zstd); let db = Arc::new(DB::open_cf_descriptors( &db_options, PASTE_DB_PATH, [ ColumnFamilyDescriptor::new(BLOB_CF_NAME, Options::default()), ColumnFamilyDescriptor::new(META_CF_NAME, Options::default()), ], )?); set_up_expirations(&db); axum::Server::bind(&"".parse()?) .serve( Router::new() .route("/", post(upload::)) .route( "/:code", get(paste::).delete(delete::), ) .layer(AddExtensionLayer::new(db)) .into_make_service(), ) .await?; // Must be called for correct shutdown DB::destroy(&Options::default(), PASTE_DB_PATH)?; Ok(()) } fn set_up_expirations(db: &Arc) { let mut corrupted = 0; let mut expired = 0; let mut pending = 0; info!("Setting up cleanup timers, please wait..."); let meta_cf = db.cf_handle(META_CF_NAME).unwrap(); let db_ref = Arc::clone(db); let delete_entry = move |key: &[u8]| { let blob_cf = db_ref.cf_handle(BLOB_CF_NAME).unwrap(); let meta_cf = db_ref.cf_handle(META_CF_NAME).unwrap(); if let Err(e) = db_ref.delete_cf(blob_cf, &key) { warn!("{}", e); } if let Err(e) = db_ref.delete_cf(meta_cf, &key) { warn!("{}", e); } }; for (key, value) in db.iterator_cf(meta_cf, IteratorMode::Start) { let expiration = if let Ok(value) = bincode::deserialize::(&value) { value } else { corrupted += 1; delete_entry(&key); continue; }; let expiration_time = match expiration { Expiration::BurnAfterReading => { panic!("Got burn after reading expiration time? Invariant violated"); } Expiration::UnixTime(time) => time, }; let sleep_duration = (expiration_time - Utc::now()).to_std().unwrap_or_default(); if sleep_duration == Duration::default() { expired += 1; delete_entry(&key); } else { pending += 1; let delete_entry_ref = delete_entry.clone(); task::spawn_blocking(move || async move { tokio::time::sleep(sleep_duration).await; delete_entry_ref(&key); }); } } if corrupted == 0 { info!("No corrupted pastes found."); } else { warn!("Found {} corrupted pastes.", corrupted); } info!("Found {} expired pastes.", expired); info!("Found {} active pastes.", pending); info!("Cleanup timers have been initialized."); } #[instrument(skip(db, body), err)] async fn upload( Extension(db): Extension>, maybe_expires: Option>, body: Bytes, ) -> Result, StatusCode> { if body.is_empty() { return Err(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST); } // 3GB max; this is a soft-limit of RocksDb if body.len() >= 3_221_225_472 { return Err(StatusCode::PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE); } let mut new_key = None; trace!("Generating short code..."); // Try finding a code; give up after 1000 attempts // Statistics show that this is very unlikely to happen for i in 0..1000 { let code: ShortCode = thread_rng().sample(short_code::Generator); let db = Arc::clone(&db); let key = code.as_bytes(); let query = task::spawn_blocking(move || { db.key_may_exist_cf(db.cf_handle(META_CF_NAME).unwrap(), key) }) .await; if matches!(query, Ok(false)) { new_key = Some(key); trace!("Found new key after {} attempts.", i); break; } } let key = if let Some(key) = new_key { key } else { error!("Failed to generate a valid short code!"); return Err(StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); }; trace!("Serializing paste..."); trace!("Finished serializing paste."); let db_ref = Arc::clone(&db); match task::spawn_blocking(move || { let blob_cf = db_ref.cf_handle(BLOB_CF_NAME).unwrap(); let meta_cf = db_ref.cf_handle(META_CF_NAME).unwrap(); let data = bincode::serialize(&body).expect("bincode to serialize"); db_ref.put_cf(blob_cf, key, data)?; let expires = maybe_expires.map(|v| v.0).unwrap_or_default(); let meta = bincode::serialize(&expires).expect("bincode to serialize"); if db_ref.put_cf(meta_cf, key, meta).is_err() { // try and roll back on metadata write failure db_ref.delete_cf(blob_cf, key)?; } Result::<_, anyhow::Error>::Ok(()) }) .await { Ok(Ok(_)) => { if let Some(expires) = maybe_expires { if let Expiration::UnixTime(expiration_time) = expires.0 { let sleep_duration = (expiration_time - Utc::now()).to_std().unwrap_or_default(); task::spawn_blocking(move || async move { tokio::time::sleep(sleep_duration).await; let blob_cf = db.cf_handle(BLOB_CF_NAME).unwrap(); let meta_cf = db.cf_handle(META_CF_NAME).unwrap(); if let Err(e) = db.delete_cf(blob_cf, key) { warn!("{}", e); } if let Err(e) = db.delete_cf(meta_cf, key) { warn!("{}", e); } }); } } } e => { error!("Failed to insert paste into db: {:?}", e); return Err(StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } } Ok(Vec::from(key)) } #[instrument(skip(db), err)] async fn paste( Extension(db): Extension>, Path(url): Path>, ) -> Result<(HeaderMap, Bytes), StatusCode> { let key = url.as_bytes(); let metadata: Expiration = { let meta_cf = db.cf_handle(META_CF_NAME).unwrap(); let query_result = db.get_cf(meta_cf, key).map_err(|e| { error!("Failed to fetch initial query: {}", e); StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR })?; let data = match query_result { Some(data) => data, None => return Err(StatusCode::NOT_FOUND), }; bincode::deserialize(&data).map_err(|_| { error!("Failed to deserialize data?!"); StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR })? }; // Check if paste has expired. if let Expiration::UnixTime(expires) = metadata { if expires < Utc::now() { task::spawn_blocking(move || { let blob_cf = db.cf_handle(BLOB_CF_NAME).unwrap(); let meta_cf = db.cf_handle(META_CF_NAME).unwrap(); if let Err(e) = db.delete_cf(blob_cf, &key) { warn!("{}", e); } if let Err(e) = db.delete_cf(meta_cf, &key) { warn!("{}", e); } }) .await .map_err(|e| { error!("Failed to join handle: {}", e); StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR })?; return Err(StatusCode::NOT_FOUND); } } let paste: Bytes = { // not sure if perf of get_pinned is better than spawn_blocking let blob_cf = db.cf_handle(BLOB_CF_NAME).unwrap(); let query_result = db.get_pinned_cf(blob_cf, key).map_err(|e| { error!("Failed to fetch initial query: {}", e); StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR })?; let data = match query_result { Some(data) => data, None => return Err(StatusCode::NOT_FOUND), }; bincode::deserialize(&data).map_err(|_| { error!("Failed to deserialize data?!"); StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR })? }; // Check if we need to burn after read if matches!(metadata, Expiration::BurnAfterReading) { let join_handle = task::spawn_blocking(move || db.delete(key)) .await .map_err(|e| { error!("Failed to join handle: {}", e); StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR })?; join_handle.map_err(|e| { error!("Failed to burn paste after read: {}", e); StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR })?; } let mut map = HeaderMap::new(); map.insert(EXPIRES, metadata.into()); Ok((map, paste)) } #[instrument(skip(db))] async fn delete( Extension(db): Extension>, Path(url): Path>, ) -> StatusCode { match task::spawn_blocking(move || { let blob_cf = db.cf_handle(BLOB_CF_NAME).unwrap(); let meta_cf = db.cf_handle(META_CF_NAME).unwrap(); if let Err(e) = db.delete_cf(blob_cf, url.as_bytes()) { warn!("{}", e); return Err(()); } if let Err(e) = db.delete_cf(meta_cf, url.as_bytes()) { warn!("{}", e); return Err(()); } Ok(()) }) .await { Ok(_) => StatusCode::OK, _ => StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, } }