#![warn(clippy::nursery, clippy::pedantic)] use std::fmt::{Debug, Display, Formatter}; use std::str::FromStr; use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Context}; use bytes::Bytes; use downcast_rs::{impl_downcast, Downcast}; use gloo_console::log; use http::header::EXPIRES; use http::uri::PathAndQuery; use http::{StatusCode, Uri}; use js_sys::{Array, ArrayBuffer, Uint8Array}; use omegaupload_common::crypto::{open, Key, Nonce}; use omegaupload_common::{Expiration, PartialParsedUrl}; use wasm_bindgen::JsCast; use wasm_bindgen_futures::JsFuture; use web_sys::TextDecoder; use web_sys::{Blob, Url}; use yew::utils::window; use yew::Properties; use yew::{html, Component, ComponentLink, Html, ShouldRender}; use yew_router::router::Router; use yew_router::Switch; use yewtil::future::LinkFuture; fn main() { yew::start_app::(); } struct App; impl Component for App { type Message = (); type Properties = (); fn create(_: Self::Properties, _: ComponentLink) -> Self { Self } fn update(&mut self, _: Self::Message) -> ShouldRender { false } fn change(&mut self, _props: Self::Properties) -> ShouldRender { false } fn view(&self) -> Html { html! { render={Router::render(render_route)} /> } } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Switch)] enum Route { #[to = "/!"] Index, #[rest] Path(String), } #[allow(clippy::needless_pass_by_value)] fn render_route(route: Route) -> Html { match route { Route::Index => html! {

{ "Hello world" }

}, Route::Path(_) => html! {
}, } } struct Paste { state: Box, } impl Component for Paste { type Message = Box; type Properties = (); fn create(_: Self::Properties, link: ComponentLink) -> Self { let url = String::from(window().location().to_string()); let request_uri = { let mut uri_parts = url.parse::().unwrap().into_parts(); if let Some(parts) = uri_parts.path_and_query.as_mut() { *parts = PathAndQuery::from_str(&format!("/api{}", parts.path())).unwrap(); } Uri::from_parts(uri_parts).unwrap() }; let link_clone = link.clone(); link.send_future(async move { match reqwest::get(&request_uri.to_string()).await { Ok(resp) if resp.status() == StatusCode::OK => { let expires = resp .headers() .get(EXPIRES) .and_then(|v| Expiration::try_from(v).ok()); let bytes = match resp.bytes().await { Ok(bytes) => bytes, Err(e) => { return Box::new(PasteError(anyhow!("Got {}.", e))) as Box } }; let info = url .split_once('#') .map(|(_, fragment)| PartialParsedUrl::from(fragment)) .unwrap_or_default(); let key = info.decryption_key.unwrap(); let nonce = info.nonce.unwrap(); if let Ok(completed) = decrypt(bytes, key, nonce, None) { Box::new(PasteComplete::new(link_clone, completed, expires)) as Box } else { todo!() // Box::new(partial) as Box } } Ok(resp) if resp.status() == StatusCode::NOT_FOUND => { Box::new(PasteNotFound) as Box } Ok(resp) if resp.status() == StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST => { Box::new(PasteBadRequest) as Box } Ok(err) => { Box::new(PasteError(anyhow!("Got {}.", err.status()))) as Box } Err(err) => Box::new(PasteError(anyhow!("Got {}.", err))) as Box, } }); Self { state: Box::new(PasteLoading), } } fn update(&mut self, msg: Self::Message) -> ShouldRender { self.state = msg; true } fn change(&mut self, _props: Self::Properties) -> ShouldRender { false } fn view(&self) -> Html { if self.state.is::() { return html! {

{ "loading" }

}; } if self.state.is::() { return html! {

{ "Either the paste has been burned or one never existed." }

}; } if self.state.is::() { return html! {

{ "Bad Request. Is this a valid paste URL?" }

}; } if let Some(error) = self.state.downcast_ref::() { return html! {

{ error.0.to_string() }

}; } if let Some(partial_paste) = self.state.downcast_ref::() { return partial_paste.view(); } if let Some(paste) = self.state.downcast_ref::() { return paste.view(); } html! { "An internal error occurred: client is in unknown state!" } } } struct PasteError(anyhow::Error); #[derive(Properties, Clone, Debug)] struct PastePartial { parent: ComponentLink, data: Bytes, expires: Option, key: Option, nonce: Option, password: Option, needs_pw: bool, } #[derive(Properties, Clone)] struct PasteComplete { parent: ComponentLink, decrypted: DecryptedData, expires: Option, } #[derive(Clone)] enum DecryptedData { String(String), Blob(Blob), Image(Blob), } trait PasteState: Downcast {} impl_downcast!(PasteState); impl PasteState for PasteError {} impl PasteState for PastePartial {} impl PasteState for PasteComplete {} macro_rules! impl_paste_type_state { ( $($state:ident),* $(,)? ) => { $( struct $state; impl PasteState for $state {} )* }; } impl_paste_type_state!(PasteLoading, PasteNotFound, PasteBadRequest); impl PastePartial { fn new( data: Bytes, expires: Option, partial_parsed_url: &PartialParsedUrl, parent: ComponentLink, ) -> Self { Self { parent, data, expires, key: partial_parsed_url.decryption_key, nonce: partial_parsed_url.nonce, password: None, needs_pw: partial_parsed_url.needs_password, } } } enum PartialPasteMessage { DecryptionKey(Key), Nonce(Nonce), Password(Key), } impl Component for PastePartial { type Message = PartialPasteMessage; type Properties = Self; fn create(props: Self::Properties, _: ComponentLink) -> Self { props } fn update(&mut self, msg: Self::Message) -> ShouldRender { match msg { PartialPasteMessage::DecryptionKey(key) => self.key = Some(key), PartialPasteMessage::Nonce(nonce) => self.nonce = Some(nonce), PartialPasteMessage::Password(password) => self.password = Some(password), } match (self.key, self.nonce, self.password) { (Some(key), Some(nonce), maybe_password) if (self.needs_pw && maybe_password.is_some()) || (!self.needs_pw && maybe_password.is_none()) => { let parent = self.parent.clone(); let data = self.data.clone(); let expires = self.expires; self.parent.send_future(async move { match decrypt(data, key, nonce, maybe_password) { Ok(decrypted) => Box::new(PasteComplete::new(parent, decrypted, expires)) as Box, Err(e) => { todo!() } } }); } _ => (), } // parent should re-render so this element should be dropped; no point // in saying this needs to be re-rendered. false } fn change(&mut self, _props: Self::Properties) -> ShouldRender { false } fn view(&self) -> Html { html! { "got partial data" } } } fn decrypt( encrypted: Bytes, key: Key, nonce: Nonce, maybe_password: Option, ) -> Result { let stage_one = maybe_password.map_or_else( || Ok(encrypted.to_vec()), |password| open(&encrypted, &nonce.increment(), &password), ); let stage_one = stage_one.map_err(|_| PasteCompleteConstructionError::StageOneFailure)?; let stage_two = open(&stage_one, &nonce, &key) .map_err(|_| PasteCompleteConstructionError::StageTwoFailure)?; if let Ok(decrypted) = std::str::from_utf8(&stage_two) { Ok(DecryptedData::String(decrypted.to_owned())) } else { let blob_chunks = Array::new_with_length(stage_two.chunks(65536).len().try_into().unwrap()); for (i, chunk) in stage_two.chunks(65536).enumerate() { let array = Uint8Array::new_with_length(chunk.len().try_into().unwrap()); array.copy_from(&chunk); blob_chunks.set(i.try_into().unwrap(), array.dyn_into().unwrap()); } let blob = Blob::new_with_u8_array_sequence(blob_chunks.dyn_ref().unwrap()).unwrap(); if image::guess_format(&stage_two).is_ok() { Ok(DecryptedData::Image(blob)) } else { Ok(DecryptedData::Blob(blob)) } } } #[derive(Debug)] enum PasteCompleteConstructionError { StageOneFailure, StageTwoFailure, } impl std::error::Error for PasteCompleteConstructionError {} impl Display for PasteCompleteConstructionError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { match self { PasteCompleteConstructionError::StageOneFailure => { write!(f, "Failed to decrypt stage one.") } PasteCompleteConstructionError::StageTwoFailure => { write!(f, "Failed to decrypt stage two.") } } } } impl PasteComplete { fn new( parent: ComponentLink, decrypted: DecryptedData, expires: Option, ) -> Self { Self { parent, decrypted, expires, } } fn view(&self) -> Html { match &self.decrypted { DecryptedData::String(decrypted) => html! { html! { <>
{ self.expires.as_ref().map(ToString::to_string).unwrap_or_else(|| "This paste will not expire.".to_string() ) }

} }, DecryptedData::Blob(decrypted) => { let object_url = Url::create_object_url_with_blob(decrypted); if let Ok(object_url) = object_url { let file_name = window().location().pathname().unwrap_or("file".to_string()); let mut cloned = self.clone(); let decrypted_cloned = decrypted.clone(); let display_anyways_callback = self.parent.callback_future_once(|_| async move { let array_buffer: ArrayBuffer = JsFuture::from(decrypted_cloned.array_buffer()) .await .unwrap() .dyn_into() .unwrap(); let decoder = TextDecoder::new().unwrap(); cloned.decrypted = decoder .decode_with_buffer_source(&array_buffer) .map(DecryptedData::String) .unwrap(); Box::new(cloned) as Box }); html! {

{ "Found a binary file." }


{ "Display anyways?" }

} } else { // This branch really shouldn't happen, but might as well // try and give a user-friendly error message. html! {

{ "Failed to create an object URL for the decrypted file. Try reloading the page?" }

} } } DecryptedData::Image(decrypted) => { let object_url = Url::create_object_url_with_blob(decrypted); if let Ok(object_url) = object_url { let file_name = window().location().pathname().unwrap_or("file".to_string()); html! {
} } else { // This branch really shouldn't happen, but might as well // try and give a user-friendly error message. html! {

{ "Failed to create an object URL for the decrypted file. Try reloading the page?" }

} } } } } }