\documentclass[11pt]{letter} \pagestyle{empty} \usepackage{fontspec} % Enable fonts \usepackage[margin=0.5in]{geometry} % Override default margins \usepackage[none]{hyphenat} % Don't hyphenate at all \usepackage{macros} % See macros.sty \usepackage{tabularx} % Tables with fill-width columns \usepackage{multirow} \usepackage{colortbl} % Colored table vlines \usepackage{graphicx} % Rotate text \usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref} % Clickable PDF URLs % macros which are illegal in .sty (primarily just font awesome stuff) {% raw -%} \newcommand{\glyph}[1]{{\fa\symbol{#1}}} {% endraw -%} \renewcommand{\bullet}{ \ \ \raisebox{1.5pt}{\tiny\glyph{"F054}}} \begin{document} \setmainfont{Corbert} % Set up table styles \arrayrulecolor{AccentColor} \setlength\arrayrulewidth{1.2pt} \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{X c l} \multirow[b]{3}{*}{\name} & \accent{\glyph{"F0AC}} & \href{ https://{{ config.author.website }} }{ {{ config.author.website }} }\\ & \accent{\glyph{"F003}} & \href{ mailto:{{ config.author.email }} }{ {{ config.author.email }} } \\ & \accent{\glyph{"F09B}} & \href { https://github.com/{{ config.author.github }} }{ {{ config.author.github }} } \end{tabularx} % Contact info \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{c X c} { \begin{tabularx}{300pt}{c | r r r } \sectiontitle{Experiences\;\;} {% for experience in config.experiences -%} \\[-8pt] {% raw -%} & \widel{\large\title{% {% endraw -%} {{ experience.company }}}\hint{ {{experience.title }} }} & {{ experience.start }}---{{ experience.end }} \\ & \widel{\footnotesize {{ experience.location }} {% if experience.remote -%} \color[rgb]{.8,.8,.8}{(Remote)} {% endif -%} } \\[-8pt] \\ {% for note in experience.notes -%} & \bullet {% raw -%} & \widex{% {% endraw -%} {{note}} } \\[-8pt] \\ {% endfor -%} \\[-8pt] {% endfor -%} \end{tabularx} } & & { \begin{tabularx}{150pt}{ c | X } \sectiontitle{Degree\;\;} \\[-8pt] {% raw -%} & {\large\title{% {% endraw -%} {{ config.education.school }} }} \\ & \footnotesize{ {{ config.education.location }}} \\ & \hint{Date}\\ & {{ config.education.start }}---{{ config.education.end_date }} \\ {% for row in config.education.list -%} {% raw -%} & \hint{% {% endraw -%} {{ row.name | title }}} \\ & {{ row.desc }} \\ {% endfor -%} \\[-8pt] \\ \spacer \spacer \spacer \spacer \sectiontitle{Skills and Interests\;\;} \\[-8pt] {% for row in config.skills -%} {% raw -%} & \title{% {% endraw -%} {{ row.name | title }}} \\ {% if row.name == "languages" -%} {% for group in row.desc -%} {% raw -%} & \hint{% {% endraw -%} {{ group.level | title }}} \\ & {{ group.langs }} \\ {% endfor -%} {% else -%} & \begin{flushleft} {{ row.desc }} \\ \end{flushleft} {% endif -%} \\[-8pt] \\ {% endfor -%} \end{tabularx} } \end{tabularx} \end{document}