\ProvidesPackage{macros}[2019/06/08 Macros for Latex resume] \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{fontspec} \newfontfamily{\headerfont}{M+ 1p}[ BoldFont = *-bold, ] \newfontfamily{\fa}{FontAwesome} \definecolor{AccentColor}{HTML}{238de4} {% raw %} % Changes the color of any text inside to the accent color \renewcommand{\accent}[1] {{\color{AccentColor}{#1}}} {% endraw %} {% raw %} % Changes the font of any text inside to title style. \renewcommand{\title}[1] {\textbf{{\headerfont{#1}}}} {% endraw %} % Helper function to print the name \renewcommand{\name}{ {% raw %} \accent{{\Huge{% {% endraw %} {{ config.author.name }}% {% raw %} }}} {% endraw %} } {% raw %} % Generates a multirow sideways text \newcommand{\sectiontitle}[1]{ % Multirow 1 works apparently? \multirow{1}{5pt}{\rotatebox{90}{\Large\accent{#1}}} } {% endraw %} {% raw %} % Generates smaller, grey text for hint text \newcommand{\hint}[1]{{\color[rgb]{.3,.3,.3}\footnotesize{#1}}} {% endraw %} {% raw %} % Convience function to separate sections \newcommand{\spacer}{\multicolumn{1}{l}{}\\[-5pt]} {% endraw %} {% raw %} % Convience function for title-like rows \newcommand{\widel}[1]{\multicolumn{2}{l}{#1}} \newcommand{\widex}[1]{\multicolumn{2}{X}{#1}} {% endraw %}