
185 lines
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use clap::Clap;
use osshkeys::keys::KeyType as OsshKeyType;
/// A helper to manage unique SSH keys.
/// ssh-keyctl is a tool that helps manage unique SSH keys for every host. It
/// offers a simple way to initialize, revoke, and renew SSH keys. ssh-keyctl
/// is completely stateless, so modifications to your .ssh folder should not
/// affect how ssh-keyctl functions. It works on a fail-safe basis, and thus
/// requires users to explicitly indicate when they wish to perform destructive
/// tasks, such as overwritting files or deleting them.
#[derive(Clap, Clone)]
#[clap(author, version)]
pub struct Opts {
pub subcmd: SubCommands,
#[derive(Clap, Clone)]
pub enum SubCommands {
/// Generate and add a new key to the user's authorized_keys on the remote host.
/// Given a target, it generates a new keypair with the filename as the name
/// of the remote host. ed25519 is used by default as the key type, as most
/// implementations should support it by now, is smaller, and offers the same or
/// more crypographic integrity than RSA. By default, a long flag is required to
/// overwrite an existing key that exists with the same name as the remote host.
#[derive(Clap, Clone)]
pub struct KeyInit {
/// The target to generate a keypair to. This follows the form [username@]host.
pub target: String,
/// Which type of key to use. RSA is well supported, while ed25519 is the most recent.
#[clap(short = "t", long = "type", default_value = "ed25519")]
pub key_type: KeyType,
/// The comment for the SSH key. Generally, this should be
/// `username@hostname` of the computer that generated the key.
#[clap(short, long)]
pub comment: Option<String>,
/// What port the SSH server is listening to.
#[clap(short, default_value = "22")]
pub port: u16,
/// Set an optional password on your SSH key.
#[clap(short = "P", long)]
pub passphrase: Option<String>,
/// Overwrite an existing private and public keypair. This is dangerous
/// and can leave you without access to the remote host. Use only if you
/// know what you're doing!
#[clap(long = "overwrite-ssh-keys")]
pub force: bool,
impl From<KeyRenew> for KeyInit {
fn from(key_renew: KeyRenew) -> Self {
Self {
key_type: key_renew.key_type,
comment: key_renew.comment,
port: key_renew.port,
passphrase: key_renew.password,
force: key_renew.force,
/// Delete a public key from the user's authorized_keys on the remote host.
/// Sends a SSH command using the provided identity file to remove the public
/// key portion of the provided identity file from the authorized_keys for the
/// specified user on the remote host.
#[derive(Clap, Clone)]
pub struct KeyRevoke {
/// The target to generate a keypair to. This follows the form [username@]host.
pub target: String,
/// The name of the public key file to revoke, without the .pub file
/// extension. If not is provided, the hostname is used as default.
pub identity_file_path: Option<String>,
/// What port the SSH server is listening to.
#[clap(short, default_value = "22")]
pub port: u16,
/// Delete the identity file after revocation. Set to false by default as a
/// pre-emptive safety measure.
pub delete_identity_file: bool,
impl From<KeyRenew> for KeyRevoke {
fn from(key_renew: KeyRenew) -> Self {
Self {
identity_file_path: key_renew.identity_file_path,
port: key_renew.port,
delete_identity_file: key_renew.delete_identity_file,
/// Shortcut for both revoke and then renew a SSH key.
#[derive(Clap, Clone)]
pub struct KeyRenew {
/// The target to generate a keypair to. This follows the form [username@]host.
pub target: String,
/// Which type of key to use. RSA is well supported, while ed25519 is the most recent.
#[clap(short = "t", long = "type", default_value = "ed25519")]
pub key_type: KeyType,
/// The comment for the SSH key. Generally, this should be
/// `username@hostname` of the computer that generated the key.
#[clap(short, long)]
pub comment: Option<String>,
/// What port the SSH server is listening to.
#[clap(short, long, default_value = "22")]
pub port: u16,
/// Set an optional password on your SSH key.
#[clap(short = "P", long)]
pub password: Option<String>,
/// Overwrite an existing private and public keypair. This is dangerous
/// and can leave you without access to the remote host. Use only if you
/// know what you're doing!
#[clap(long = "overwrite-ssh-keys")]
pub force: bool,
/// The name of the public key file to revoke, without the .pub file
/// extension. If not is provided, the hostname is used as default.
pub identity_file_path: Option<String>,
/// Delete the identity file after revocation. Set to false by default as a
/// pre-emptive safety measure.
pub delete_identity_file: bool,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum ParseError {
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct KeyType(pub OsshKeyType);
impl std::str::FromStr for KeyType {
type Err = ParseError;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
match s {
"rsa" => Ok(KeyType(OsshKeyType::RSA)),
"dsa" => Ok(KeyType(OsshKeyType::DSA)),
"ed25519" => Ok(KeyType(OsshKeyType::ED25519)),
"ecdsa" => Ok(KeyType(OsshKeyType::ECDSA)),
_ => Err(ParseError::UnknownKeyType(s.to_string())),
impl Default for KeyType {
fn default() -> Self {
impl std::string::ToString for ParseError {
fn to_string(&self) -> String {
match self {
Self::UnknownKeyType(_) => {
String::from(format!("Must be one of rsa, dsa, ecdsa, or ed25519"))