2020-04-05 23:39:19 -04:00

93 lines
2.6 KiB

use crate::actors::*;
use clap::{arg_enum, Clap};
use log::Level;
use simple_logger::init_with_level;
pub struct Opts {
/// Add more flags to increase verbosity to log at the debug or trace level.
short = "v",
long = "verbose",
pub verbose: u8,
/// Add more flags to decrease verbosity to the warn, error, or silent level.
#[clap(short = "q", long = "quiet", parse(from_occurrences))]
pub quiet: u8,
pub subcmd: SubCommand,
pub enum SubCommand {
/// Play the game, without training an actor
/// Train an actor to play the game.
pub struct Play {
/// Disable gravity. Useful for debugging.
#[clap(short = "G", long = "no-gravity")]
pub no_gravity: bool,
pub struct Train {
/// Which agent to use for training.
pub agent: Agent,
/// The rate at which temporal agents learn at.
#[clap(short = "a", long = "alpha", default_value = "0.3")]
pub learning_rate: f64,
/// The rate at which agents explore new actions. Range is [0, 1].
#[clap(short = "e", long = "epsilon", default_value = "0.1")]
pub exploration_prob: f64,
/// The discount rate for future states.
#[clap(short = "g", long = "gamma", default_value = "0.7")]
pub discount_rate: f64,
/// Stop learning during the evaluation of the agent. This sets the learning
/// rate to 0 when displaying the results.
#[clap(short = "L", long = "no-learn")]
pub no_learn_during_evaluation: bool,
/// Stop exploring during the evaluation of the agent. This sets the
/// exploration rate to 0 when displaying the results.
#[clap(short = "E", long = "no-explore")]
pub no_explore_during_evaluation: bool,
/// Number of episodes to train the agent
#[clap(short = "n", long = "num", default_value = "10")]
pub episodes: usize,
// #[clap(long = "use-epsilon-decreasing")]
// pub epsilon_decreasing: bool,
arg_enum! {
pub enum Agent {
pub fn init_verbosity(opts: &Opts) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
match (opts.quiet, opts.verbose) {
(0, 0) => init_with_level(Level::Info)?,
(0, 1) => init_with_level(Level::Debug)?,
(0, _) => init_with_level(Level::Trace)?,
(1, 0) => init_with_level(Level::Warn)?,
(2, 0) => init_with_level(Level::Error)?,
_ => (),