
95 lines
3.3 KiB

use crate::operations::ServerOperation;
use anyhow::{bail, Result};
use bytes::BytesMut;
use log::{debug, error, info};
use operations::{MarketOperation, QueryOperation, UserOperation};
use sqlx::PgPool;
use state::AppState;
use std::env;
use tokio::io::{AsyncReadExt, AsyncWriteExt};
use tokio::net::{TcpListener, TcpStream};
use tokio_stream::{wrappers::TcpListenerStream, StreamExt};
mod market;
mod operations;
mod state;
mod user;
async fn main() -> Result<()> {
// If we can't successfully initialize our crypto library, fail immediately.
let mut listener_stream = TcpListener::bind(&env::var("BIND_ADDRESS")?)
info!("Successfully bound to port.");
let db_pool = PgPool::connect(&env::var("DATABASE_URL")?).await?;
info!("Successfully established connection to database.");
while let Some(Ok(stream)) = listener_stream.next().await {
// clone simply clones the arc reference, so this is cheap.
let db_pool = db_pool.clone();
tokio::task::spawn(async {
match handle_stream(stream, db_pool).await {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(e) => {
// stream.write_all(e);
error!("{}", e);
info!("Cleanly shut down. Goodbye!");
async fn handle_stream(mut socket: TcpStream, pool: PgPool) -> Result<()> {
// only accept data that can fit in 256 bytes
// the assumption is that a single request should always be within n bytes,
// otherwise there's a good chance that it's mal{formed,icious}.
let mut buffer = BytesMut::with_capacity(256);
let mut state = AppState::new();
loop {
let bytes_read = socket.read_buf(&mut buffer).await?;
if bytes_read == 0 {
bail!("Failed to read bytes, assuming socket is closed.")
let data = buffer.split_to(bytes_read); // O(1)
let parsed = serde_json::from_slice::<ServerOperation>(&data)?;
debug!("Parsed operation: {:?}", parsed);
let response = match parsed {
ServerOperation::Query(op) => match op {
QueryOperation::StockInfo { stock } => state.stock_info(stock, &pool).await?,
QueryOperation::User(_) => todo!(),
ServerOperation::User(op) => match op {
UserOperation::Login { api_key } => state.login(api_key, &pool).await?,
UserOperation::Register { username, password } => {
state.register(username, password, &pool).await?
UserOperation::GetKey { username, password } => {
state.generate_api_key(username, password, &pool).await?
ServerOperation::Market(op) => match op {
MarketOperation::Buy(stock_name) => state.buy(stock_name, &pool)?,
MarketOperation::Sell(stock_name) => state.sell(stock_name, &pool)?,
buffer.unsplit(data); // O(1)